I looked back before posting this to see if I could find updated info. The last post I found was 2 years old. So if this is a repeat accept my apologies in advance. Below is the info from the webpage on the free service:(I inserted it as an inline frame to avoid copying it. You are acutally looki
Many have felt intimidated to use Sketchup or Google Earth to showcase, because it seemed to hard to try. I am going to show you several ways you can utilize both right away. It can be as simple as putting a "For Sale" sign on location of the lot or home with a link to your website or blog where
I created the viewer in WidgetCast using 3D plants from the iclone software. This is very powerful and worth using. If anyone has used Flash or some other editor, you know how hard this can be for a new user. WidgetCast makes the experience as simple as you can get! Here is the link to their we