Victoria Spannaus's (victoriaspannaus) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Victoria Spannaus
 I spent a lot of time this week working as a coach.  A financial coach.  If you have not done so it is always a good idea once a year to have "Financial Checkup" completed and get an idea of how you are doing towards your financial goals and determine if you need to have any financial New Years ...
 This year has been a tough year in the Mortgage Industry.  A great deal of change has taken place and you can not get away from the gloom and doom of the media. Keeping your head down and staying on task can be a challenge if you get caught up in the noise.  I have been fortunate to work for Wac...
UNDERSTANDING ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (APR)             Several years ago the U.S. Congress decided consumers needed protection from lenders and it wrote into law the Truth in Lending Act.  Through it, the annual percentage rate (APR) became a benchmark enabling you to compare one lender's offerin...
TIPS FOR FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS                       First time home buyers are having an increasingly tough time acquiring their first dream home.  Prices continue to slowly increase along with mortgage interest rates, and lenders are pickier about qualification requirements.  However, those yo...
             Are you waiting for "just the right time" to buy your first home or that second or vacation home? In spite of what you might be reading in the newspaper or hearing on the news, current signs are pointing to a window of opportunity right now.            Presently we have a larger inve...
GOOD NEWS IN FACE OF MORTGAGE PROBLEMS             Every day we hear about mortgage banking organizations closing and certain mortgage products being eliminated. This economic downturn is mostly the result of the relaxed credit activity of subprime lenders over the last six years. The interest ra...
Tips To Reduce Your Closing CostsOver fifteen years, every $1,000 you save in closing costs can grow to over $4,000. Invest that savings at 10% for 30 years and it can grow to over $17,000. One way to reduce closing costs is to pay a higher interest rate in return for lower points. Your lender ma...
 HOW THE VA HOME LOAN WORKS     The VA loan was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, as a part of the original Servicemen's Readjustment Act, also known as the GI Bill of Rights. The GI Bill provided veterans with a federally guaranteed home with no down payment. This feature was d...
  EDUCATE YOURSELF BEFORE APPLYING FOR A LOAN        It is important to get the right information before applying for a loan.  People are often misled by rumors and myths about the loan process.  Here are some helpful guidelines for effective borrowing.         Research your credit history by req...
 CHOOSING A LOAN                Choosing a loan that meets your individual needs requires you to review your financial objectives and ask certain questions that along with the help of a loan officer will help you make informed decisions.  One of the most important questions to determine is how lo...

Victoria Spannaus

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