Victor DaGraca 's Blog

Home Inspector - Critical Home Inspections
I have just finished going over the Real Estate Ads in my Sunday newspaper.I am, as some like to call us, a bottom feeder. I follow the American way... buy low.... sell high......DUH!     I am always looking for another property that I can make a Dollar off of. Of course with the over inflated pr...
There appear to be a lot of Homes for sale that are advertised as "Comes with a Home Warranty"A "typical" Home Warranty will cost between $300 and $500 and will cover all your appliances, heating/air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, garage door opener, door bell, sump pump, well pump, swimming...
(CBS13) ORANGEVALE, Calif. An Orangevale woman thought she'd made all the right moves in California's scary real estate market. But when her home began to leak water, sprout mold, drain her bank account and her health, she called Rest of story "home inspectors are not regulated. They don't need a...
I received a telephone call yesterday, which started out like this: (paraphrased)Hello, Critical Home Inspections? My name is Jeff _____  and I'm looking for a Home Inspection company to conduct Insurance inspections. We are looking for licensed inspectors for Pre-premium quote inspections. This ...
I have built a page on my web site listing Home inspectors in other areas of the United States and Canada.If you would like to be added to the list, please e-mail me at and I will gladly add you.Or, just post it here with your name, city, State, web address.All I ask is that ...
I have a question for the Real Estate Pros out there:Which method of approach would you be most amenable to, from a Home Inspector looking to solicit some referrals? (That'd be me, he said shamelessly.) Direct snail mail brochureE-mail "Newsletter"Phone call ( off hours, of course)A face to face ...
Anyone ever watch the reality show "flip This House"Apparently the show was a scam. Houses that were never sold were taped with nice "sold"signs.Band-aids were applied to homes needing Major Surgery.Landscaping materials were ripped up and re-used on the next project.When the host was asked about...

Victor DaGraca

Myrtle Beach Home Inspections
local_phone(843) 839-2087
smartphone(843) 902-5119
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