The IRS just released Notice 2020-32 and it contained some disappointing but not surprising news. Turns out you still can't have your cake and eat it too. There's been some debate surrounding the deductibility of the covered expenses under the Paycheck Protection Program once the loan has been ...
For an introvert I do a surprisingly large amount of public speaking. Here in Hartford County, CT I speak regularly to local organizations and I hate being redundant so, I’ll typically talk about a recent case. One common topic is a client getting an unexpected bill from the IRS demanding thousan...
The Economic Impact Payments, or stimulus checks, started arriving in people's bank account on Friday. It's Wednesday and it's already clear that the IRS has made a mess of things. My main focus is on Taxpayer Representation and Tax Resolution. I work in Hartford County CT with clients locally...
People stop filing their taxes for many reasons, and at this point I’ve probably heard just about every reason. Someone once told me that they prepare their taxes by hand (don’t do that) and their dog ate it before they could mail it in. As someone who specializes in Taxpayer Representation here ...
The constant flow of changes continues again today. By now most people know who is or isn’t getting a stimulus check. If you’re not sure if you’re on the list you can read through my earlier post. If you’re getting one but don’t want it, maybe you should reconsider that. Either way there was a gr...
There's been an almost constant flow of changes coming out of Washington DC for the last few weeks. A few minutes several new things were announced. Most of it doesn’t apply to the average person but there are two main things that I want to highlight that came out of IRS Notice 2020-23. This ext...
Calls from the IRS I’d be surprised if someone told me they haven’t gotten a scam call from “The IRS”. Some people found these calls annoying, others found them laughable, but enough people found them convincing for scammers to collect millions of dollars.While many people made fun of the calls, ...
Most people are going to be confused by this title. Money is coming, why wouldn't you want it? Well, I've been fielding alot of questions from people that don't, and I think they're wrong. Part of it is because of misinformation. In an earlier post I covered most of the ins and outs of who is...
From my office in Hartford County CT I my main focus is working with clients througout the country on Taxpayer representation and resolving tax problems. I still prepare a few hundred tax returns each year though. Because of that I'm the trusted source of information for a lot of people and I'v...