Pamela Knight's (urbank01) Blog

Services for Real Estate Pros - Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc.
Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc. takes pride in offering services and helpful information that all consumers can benefit from.  We have added helpful informational tips and tools that can be used daily at Do you ever wonder about what the duties of a notary public are?  You can d...
I have a client who is in dire need to refinance an investment property.  She asked if I had the names of some good brokers.  The property is located in PA, that's all the info that I have on the property.  She sent me a quick note asking ifor help.  So, my ActiveRain buddys, I'm turning to you f...
The launch of the new website is aimed at giving the Urban Knight Enterprises firm a unique and professional look that fits with their industry and capabilities. The website is in alignment with their "simple, to the point" corporate identity.  Our main goal was to design a website to have a clea...
Early this morning, I was awaken to the Larry King Live Show.  The topic was of course related to current nightmares of the mortgage crisis.  The program had one family that fell victims to a loan modification that stated they were forced into.  This had troubled me a little because I was request...
Thank you for inviting me to join...I know I will benefit from being a part of this group. Many well wishes...
Well, I'm jumping in...I have officially launched my new website...I am excited.  It has been truly a rewarding experience for me.  The late nights, brainstorming...deleting pages, starting over from scratch...I am plum tired.  Losing all sense of time was the main breakdown for me...debating whe...
I have been working diligently on building a website for a while.  Well, I got so involved that I started building another website just for one main service that I offer, which be launched some time next week or sooner.  I never knew all the intricate detailing that goes into designing a website ...
Does anyone know if there has been a change in the ActiveRain points policy?  On the 16th (yesterday) I made several comments to other bloggers, however I notice that no points were granted.  I am not sure if I was offline at the time when I made the comments, however they were recorded on my com...
A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests: I decide to water my garden.  As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide it needs washing. As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail b...
I am preparing for my oldest son's graduation tomorrow.  He will be graduating from Phoenixville High School.  I am a very proud parent, indeed.  You see my son had struggled in school due to having a reading disability called Dyslexia.  He had to go to special classes, was wrongly diagnosed for ...

Pamela Knight

local_phone(610) 935-5944
smartphone(484) 682-6249
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