Welcome back to Part 2 of the ‘Top 10 Boo Boo's in Social Media Marketing'!I was really happy to see such great feedback and before I share with you the remaining ‘Boo Boos' let's recap real quick ok?Great!Oops, I forgot to say thankyou for not giving me any flak for using the word ‘boo boo.'
While social media is taking the Internet by storm many of the newcomers not familiar with the platform can easily start making boo boo's. Now I know I'll get some flak for using the word ‘boo boo' but it got your attention didn't it?The more we can share these simple ‘Boo Boos' the better exp
While I personally do not condone the use of performance enhancing drugs I'm sure that the title of this note got your attention right?When we think of steroids we think of athletes and bodybuilders using these drugs to give them an incredible edge over the competition both in strength, speed, p
I'm no expert in Social Media Marketing but it doesn't take an expert to figure out Social Media Marketing. When you have excellent mentors and coaches you're experience and learning curve improve dramatically.I enjoy sharing with you my personal experiences in social media marketing and hope to
As I continue to see more and more people diving into social media marketing there seems to be a common belief among many that the size of your social network dictates the success and expertise of the social media marketer. I have assembled my top 3 favorite myths in social media marketing bec
While the social media buzz continues to fill the web more and more people find themselves falling into the typical behavior that caused email to turn into a headache rather than a convenience. Spamming I put together a list of 5 important things you should never do in social media marketing.
The more you can understand and appreciate the 'power of one' the greater the friendships, connections and opportunities will open up for you from your social media marketing efforts. So what is the 'Power of One'? It is the power of one person, one relationship, one bond, one connection, one
Hands down, the single biggest challenge most people face when building an online business is FINDING the right business idea or the right niche in their existing business. If you don't first identify your niche in the marketplace you'll end up spending countless hours spinning your wheels ins
What should you do daily to maximize your social media marketing efforts?One of my mentors Yanik Silver says it best "consistently and constantly force yourself to focus on the 'critically few' proactive activities that produce exponential results."I don't know about you but that's got to be the
With over 3,000 social media sites on the web and well over 700 million active users it's no mystery why so many people have no clue how to use this amazing tool. I'm no expert on social media marketing nor claim to be because it continues to change and evolve faster than anyone can keep up wi