Bow season is always tough, the rut has not yet kicked in and the deer aren't as rambunctious and careless as they are in early rifle season. This morning was the opening day of deer season and turkey season if you're brave enough to try to tackle a turkey with a bow. This morning, I was set up w
Woo Hoo! the sad thing is that someone will fall for this BS! I just got this email! You can now email me at: Sir/Madam, we wish to inform you that it has come to our notice through our online security network that a huge amount of United States Dollars was scheduled to b
You can put lipstick on a liberal but he is still a liberal. Could you see the vitriol, the seething hatred in Charlies face, he was pissed! Once again showing that we call it ABC; All Barack Channel for a reason. If you saw the softball, kiss-up that Gibson did with Obama you will understand ho
This is Isaiah, He has a horrible disease. I hope you help! Isaiah, I have never met this little guy, but one of my employees asked me to help this little guy, with a face like that how could I refuse. Childhood diseases are common, some are curable, some are not, but this little guy is too damn
My wife and I were getting ready for work, we had the radio on and were dressing and showering as usual. I remember the first notice on 980 KMBZ, they broke in with breaking news, that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I rushed to the living room, dripping wet from the shower, we flipped fr
Wonderful Waldo Where's Waldo? Waldo is a quaint community in Kansas City, MO that has continued to maintain its own unique character, even though it was annexed by Kansas City in 1909. Waldo's boundaries are Gregory Blvd on the north to 91st Street on the south, and Holmes Road on the east to St
My laptop is about three years old, I've enjoyed it and used it quite a bit. Granted I do most of my work from my office but my laptop keeps me connected at home and on the road. I've got one of those crazy, fancy phones that does everything a phone can do, but it is no comparison to a real compu
Turn-Key Properties, LLC 7312 E 67th St. Kansas City, MO 64133 Phone 816.313.8876 Fax 816.313-8877 Available Homes for Rent
A guide for youth on true friendship Growing up I had few friends, but those that I counted among my friends were true. Several of them are still close personal friends today, with a few exceptions. One of my childhood friends has recently gone through an ugly divorce. I tried to be there as much
I know how some of my fellow Rainer members feel about politics here on our real estate blog. But here is the reality, I haven't felt this good about a candidate since1984, finally someone who encourages me to be proud to be an American! Finally someone who is an American first and a "citizen of