Home sales in Helena (one of the top 100 places to live in America) have been pretty consistent throughout the year. In October there were 28 home sales - down from 31 in September. The average salesprice was $193,661. Prices range from $90,000 for a HUD foreclosure in Shelena Estates, to $350,
Hoover, Alabama is a fabulous place to live. Many home sites have fabulous views. The fall leaves are beautiful this year and every trip to the grocery store is filled with color! Home sales in the Hoover, Alabama area were down in October 2008 with 58 homes sold. This was the lowest number sin
Home sales across the nation were down in October. Vestavia was no exception. In October Vestavia saw 25 home sell which was the lowest number since November of ‘07. Part of this is seasonal and part is based on the rough economic news (let's face it you couldn't hear anything on TV, radio, or in
The Real Estate market in Homewood was down a little from September '08, seeing its fewest number of sales this year. Part of this is seasonal and part is based on the rough economic news. We show 15 homes closed in October ‘08 - also down from October '07 with 19 closings. The average salespric
There are several things to consider when buying a new home. There are lots of Homes to Buy in Hoover, Alabama. Some are new and others have been previously owned. Some people I work with only want to buy a newly constructed home. I spoke to a teenager once whose parents had relocated several
Fall is definitely here. The trees in Hoover Alabama are BEAUTIFUL. Soon it will be Thanksgiving which is only 5 weeks before the end of 2008. During September and October the TV News was flooded with talk of ecomonic crisis!! It was really hard to focus on all the GOOD Things happening in our
There are two things I like about fall: the cooler temperatures and the colorful leaves. Although today saw temperatures in the 70s' we have had several cold days in the last couple of weeks. Those cold temps (nights below 50 degrees) are what causes the leaves to turn their orange, yellow and
What a beautiful fall. There are so many beautiful trees here in Hoover Alabama. I would love to be able to pull over and take pictues to share. Of course I would never get anywhere if I did that! I was having lunch with my husband when I realized that Christmas music was playing over the res