Do you believe in people miracles? Especially today, perhaps you're popping by after the last package has been opened or the last cookie eaten. I'd like to tell you a, as CK (@ckEpiphany) calls it, a social media Xmas miracle story. If you still have room a steamy hot chocolate or spiced cider al...
This post is dedicated to Colleen Kulikowski in thanks to her post on active/rain about BlogOrlando. There were several comments on Colleen's post about the formate of an "unconference." I wanted to share a couple of lessons that I learned from turning a traditional workshop format into a less fo...
Thanks to Colleen Kulikowski and Laurie Manny for the invitation to join the Active Rain community. After my experience judging the Laurie Manny contest and the warm welcome from so many people I thought it would be fun to see what life was life behind the lovely gates of your community. Connie...