Hurry...time is running out for $8000.00 tax credit in Texas- You must take advantage of this by November 30, 2009. This is for first time homebuyers and was part of this years stimulus package. The home you are buying must be your principal residence and it is actually equal to 10% of the purcha
I have done quite a few short sales over the last couple of years but not one where the seller has TWO lenders. I have faxed a complete workout package to the first lender but not sure if I should send a package to the second lender. Will the primary lender work with the second lender? Any help y
State Fair Big Tex Choice Food Awards Opening day is September 25, 2009 I am already thinking about corn on a stick, but the main attractions are deep fried! Green Goblins-Cherry peppers are stuffed with spicy shredded chicken and guacamole, then battered and deep fried. Deep Fried Butter-Pure b
State Fair of Texas Discounts State Fair September 25-October 18, 2009 Discounts and Promotions Opening Day-Bring a 20oz Coke product for a donation to the North Texas Food Bank & enter the for $4 per donation per person Every Tuesday- Bring an empty Dr. Pepper can and enter for $3 Every Wednes
Buying an existing mobile home on acreage in Texas For an existing manufactured home to meet FHA standards, there are two main criteria. 1. The home must not have moved from the original installation. This can be determined on the TDHCA website- the serial number or label number of the home i
Wylie, Texas Rodeo Postponed to October Due to the poor arena conditions and for the safety of sponsors, participants, vendors and patrons, the Wylie Championship Rodeo new dates will be Friday, October 23rd from 6:30 pm - 10:30 pm and Saturday October 24th, from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. So ya'