Holding Our Breath Before the FOMC - Really? Welcome to Virginia's Totally Personal and Probably Skewed Take on the Markets! Well, not really. It will probably be a non-event. Again. The Fed isn't expected to make any substantive moves in interest rates today. After all, they can scarcely drop th...
This is a great post on a feature that I sincerely hope will be coming to my local MLS sooner rather than later! I had actually not paid much attention to this project, but I am very glad to have Bryan's awesome explanation of it's potential.The First Major MLS with RPR I am a member/user of MLS ...
Tales from the Real Estate Book of Stupidity - Part One Sometimes I feel as though I have wandered into an alternate universe. Truly, some days it seems like everything is backwards, upside down, just not the way it should be. A local radio talk show host, John Cobylt, moans "Backwards Day. Why d...
This started out to be a comment on both Tom Bashe's post and Tom Branch's reply, then I quickly realized that, this being one of my pet peeves, there was just too much to say, so, voila, I have my post for the day! I don't want to bash listing agents or seller's agents as a group. My hatred that...
September 15th will be a big day in Temecula! There are several fun events going on and upcoming in the next few weeks, and these are just the tip of the iceberg. September 15, 2010 The Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce will be hosting their Annual Monte Carlo Extravaganza on Wednesday, Septem...
This is great - a really useful tip for agents and everyone. I tend to forget about this sort of thing, having Photoshop and Acrobat Professional myself. VERY handy app! Thanks, Christianne! Do your Asset Managers or Sellers - or even Lenders - ever send you PDF's you need to complete and you thi...
Some local color from Anza, CA, near Temecula in Riverside county - lots of land out here! Part 2 I ran out of time on my last post and have a lot more photos to do from the tiny rural town of Anza, CA, which is in the mountains a mere 35 miles from Temecula, CA. These photos are from the biggest...
Some local color from Anza, CA, near Temecula in Riverside county - lots of land out here! Anza, CA is one of the few really unspoiled rural areas left in Southern California. A mountain own about 35 miles away from Palm Desert in one direction and Palm Desert in the other, it surrounds the Cahui...
Omigosh - I wish I'd seen this sooner! I wonder if I can get away to see this! Very cool - thanks for posting, Greg! PS - would love to see the tall ships TRY to get to Temecula.... LOL!In SoCal the Labor Day weekend has traditionally marked the end of summer, even though the official end is 2-3 ...
Off the beaten track - by a few lightyears! Fun events in Temecula and Riverside, CA, Part 2 Okay, I was getting ready to write a REAL real estate post, but after my post yesterday on my search for fun local events in the Temecula area, I just HAD to do one on this. It's in Riverside, not Temecul...