Title Tech Talk with Scott Hoen

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Title Insurance - ePro, MBA
Settlement Services information of value involving technology tips, tricks and things you can use.
The County Manager or Company version can now send out one email to multiple rep accounts branded to each sales rep with the click of a coupld of buttons. Call or email and learn how not only to send one email out to multiple accounts but to add or modify account records in the same account as well.
We have added the ability for you to schedule an eLetter to send out. Compose your eLetter Send yourself a test message to make sure everything is looking right Go to your address book Do a search for your group or click on search for all records Scroll to the bottom and click on Selected Action ...
The definition of a Mentor is a TRUSTED Counselor or Guide. Real Estate Professionals -- Agents, Brokers, Lenders, Title Reps, Escrow Officers, Title Officers and others are looking for assistance with their Technology effort.  It is overwhelming -- what system do I use, what website company do I...
I found a Title Professional in the Antelope Vally of Southern California in the high desert from Fidelity National Title.  Frank Donato has a link on his website to look at the market reports for the Southern California Counties.  Great comparative information for consumers to look at within the...
If you would like to see more web page and less web browser toolbars, here's a little trick you'll like. Hit the F11 key. It will put you into "full screen" mode. Hit F11again to go back to normal mode. This works in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. It's great for presentations when the top to...
Your Internet Browser can do other things than just looking at websites. I learned a new trick -- Save your photo or pdf file to the desktop and simply drag the photo or pdf file on top of the IE Icon on your desktop -- the browser will immediately open and you will be viewing the picture or the ...
Are you ready? It isn't if but when.... I just spoke to another associate that had their computer hard drive crash on them.  Everyone knows it is important to back up your computer -- Just Do It! Make a point to have a glass of wine, a good beer or a hot cup of java and take the time to copy your...
California took another step to provide choice for buyers of foreclosed homes using title and escrow services. Gov. Schwarzenegger signed a bill into law  mandating that buyers of foreclosed homes be allowed to choose which title and escrow companies they hire. Authored by Assemblywoman Cathleen ...
After clicking on just a few of the sites recommended by Brad -- I had to re-blog the post just so I can access it easier in the future -- you won't be dissapointed in the tools that are available to you here.  Make it a profitable day!Brad's Seattle Rain Camp List of Must Check out Web Sites you...
There are Four Important CON's of Social Media. Social Media is even helping websites morph into social media web sites but you have to pay particular attention to the CONS of Social Media as you bring them into your website. 1.  CONtent - It is important to have great compelling content.  Inform...

Scott Hoen

Carson City Clerk Recorder / Public Administrator
local_phone(714) 270-9607
smartphone(714) 270-9607
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