Central Oregon Real Estate Information

Real Estate Agent - West + Main
Your Information Source for La Pine, Sunriver, Three Rivers South property information links to search the entire MLS. More than just listings this site will provide information on the market and so much more. Go Ahead and Click You Will Be Glad You Did!



Many buyers today think that the bank owned home is different than other listings.  That is true to some aspects but not the most important one.  As a buyer you deserve to have your own agent represent your needs in the transaction.  Bank owned homes are no different.  You do not have to use the...
So, you want to buy an REO (bank owned home)?  Many of the homes selling in Central Oregon are bank owned homes.  Agents across the nation are specializing in these homes, and I am no exception.  I am working with the Buyers wanting to buy bank owned homes.  As a buyer in Central Oregon having an...
  The Scam We are seeing a scary scam in Central Oregon and if has not hit your area it could be any time.  People posing as asset managers claim they need to winterize a home that is vacant and listed as a short sale.  They call the seller or the listing agent and claim to be with an asset manag...
  It’s Snowing!!!!! Snow should have been here for some time – Mt. Bachelor generally opens on or before Thanksgiving weekend.  This year we are seeing a late start to our winter recreational season.  Now we just started getting snow today – but it is supposed to be steady for the next several da...
Looking for a great deal? Many buyers are searching frantically for the bank owned properties in Central Oregon.  I am here to make that search easier for you.  Below you will find a couple of links that will take you to the current bank owned properties in La Pine and Three Rivers South.  Please...
Every year La Pine Oregon has a great show of community support with a Christmas Light Parade.  I can still remember the first one "Trucker's Light Parade."  The parade has seen all kinds of weather and entries, in the beginning it seems that a lot of the trucks passing through this sleepy town w...

Thesa Chambers

Principal Broker - Licensed in Oregon
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Your Information Source for La Pine, Sunriver, Three Rivers South property information links to search the entire MLS. More than just listings this site will provide information on the market and so much more. Go Ahead and Click You Will Be Glad You Did!