For those real estate agents who think they ‘know it all’ when it comes to home staging, think again. Absolutely there’s loads of information out there, in articles, blogs and of course HGTV, but a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing I can’t help thinking of the recent horror story of ...
Calling all Real Estate Professionals who have previously taken our staging course and have the old AHS designation - Accredited Home Staging Specialist . I’m Andy Capelluto, author of The Power of Staging®, which is the home staging course you took through Realty U. Earlier this year, we launc...
Never underestimate the power of staging the front door. It is the first point where the agent and potential buyer stop for a period of time as the agent fiddles with the lock box, and the potential buyer pauses to look around. This is your second opportunity to WOW any prospects. Here are ...
Prepping the exterior for the selling season ..... It doesn't matter what the "experts" say about the market - it's spring and it's time to embrace the concept of exterior home staging like it's your best friend ... because it is! 1. While standing at the front entrance of the proper...
The Power of Staging is an 8 hour class designed specifically for Real Estate Agents to guide their sellers through the process of staging a home. Our premise is that every home, no matter what the price point, should be staged to some degree. Our formula is logical and effective, and has been ...
Renowned trend tracker, speaker, author and visionary Stefan Swanepoel has focused on the role of women in Real Estate and together with AR members has nominated an amazing list of 100 influential women in Real Estate. Take a look at this impressive list, cast your vote, and while you're about ...
The thought of meeting ladies whom I've met on active rain compelled me to go to Staging Expo in Portland on Saturday. I was about to make reservations on Amtrack but then my husband (ANGEL that he is) decided to drive me down to Wilsonville Oregon from Seattle for the day. Finally I could put ...
I constantly marvel at the fact that we have all come from very different professions and that we now we find ourselves in this fledgling industry called home staging. With so much to learn as the industry develops, I feel thankful to have an outlet like Active Rain where we can pool ideas and r...
Home staging hell happened in Atlanta when a ‘stager' was found to be conducting a business within a business right from the home she had ‘staged.' This story appealed to my rather ‘offbeat' sense of humor. I'm constantly fascinated by the creative ways in which people chose to make a livi...
Good news spread fast as 4 winners of the ‘I staged it' photo contest made the top story on Realblogging. Check out the announcement on another, well respected blogsite. You all deserve the recognition you receive. It is clear that your work ethic and the talent go hand in hand. You four ladi...