Lori Bowers's Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - 01293735 CA
There is statistically a correlation between the number of client contacts each week and the number of sales completed. I suggest you make a list for a few weeks of client contacts. Once I became aware of client contacts my pipeline continued to fill up and grow. When people see you and connect w...
Right now we need listings. There are not enough homes on the market to meet the needs of buyers wanting homes. Most people would sell their home if they got the right price. A few months ago, I started to make a list of prices people wanted for their home. Now when I get buyers, I can go to my l...
I was recently at a listing appointment with sellers that had their home on the market for over 2 years and no sale.  I asked them why their home was not sold. Here are some easons they gave me. I had the wrong agent. I needed a better flyer My agent did not advertise enough magazines and newspap...
I am sure as real estate agent and brokers this is a call we frequently receive. How do you answer this question? 1) The price is too high ( this may be the real answer) 2) It will sell - it just takes time ( this is probably not true. In many areas, prices are not rising. Waiting does not help) ...
Here are some tips to get more money for your home 1. Have all maintenance issues fixed - examples: leaky faucet, sticky door locks, touch up marks on paintetc. 2. Have the home spic and span clean - people love a home that is so clean it sparkles. This includes yard, windows, and garage too. 3. ...
Whether you work with buyers or sellers and whether they have not bought or sold a house for several years, it is very important to stay in touch with buyers and sellers. They all have friends, family, and neighbors who want to buy a house. Many times the people who you think would never leave th...
Each year I review my spending habits and look for ways to save money that really do not affect my life or my lifestyle. Here are a few ideas I am using for next year: 1. Review cable and telephone bills. Many times by changing the pan you can save $30-$40 a month.    $400 annual 2. Combine trips...
I work hard to have a positive mindset and stay focused. Here are some tips I use to stay focused. 1. I make a list of what I need to do each day. I make sure to do it even if it is not in the order that is on the list. I keep working until the list is completed. 2. I have a regular routine. I ar...
There are many ways to stay connected with clients. We think often of the standard ways - email, phone call, text, facebook. Here are some ideas are fun and alittle out of the box. 1. Have a party - lunch is fine 2. Go on a walk or hike together 3. Have a girl's day at the spa or nail salon 4. Go...
We all have frustrations on a daily basis. We have work frustrations, business frustrations, health frustrations, relationship frustrations, and so on. How we handle the frustrations is important.  The main question to ask is how important is it? Over the period of a lifetime, will this even matt...

Lori Bowers

The Lori Bowers Group
smartphone(760) 831-1595
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