We have enjoyed a couple of pretty violent storms here in Utah this past week. Not violent like a tornado or hurricane, but still windy enough to knock semi trucks and trees over. Today the Interstate 15 was closed for quite a while due to blowing dust and poor, (read zero) visibility in Southe...
It has been a while since I have posted much here on Active Rain. I wanted to write something just to show that I am still around and that although it may seems that I am just lurking and commenting, I have been working and trying to come up with new blogs. It is the age old story with me, mana...
Darcy took this photo in a front yard here in Bountiful. We had a good chuckle over it. We looked all around but couldn't find the doctor anywhere. That was a littl disappointing! We did manage to get this shot, and have been working on a plan to "stake out" the area to see when he comes back...
This past week I finished reading "The Innocent", by David Baldacci. I have read several of his books in the past and have really enjoyed reading them. This book, like his other books did not disappoint! In truth, I had a hard time putting it down! Like most of Mr. Baldacci's books, this is a...
Anyone who has been reading my posts here in Active Rain know that I am a sucker for a beautiful sunset! I will admit that seeing them in person is a lot better than seeing them in a photograph. I will also admit that seeing them in a photograph is a lot better than not seeing them at all. Wit...
Once in a great while, if you like Chinese food like Darcy and I do, you will get a fortune in a fortune cookie that offers some really wise advice. I got this fortune a while back and to be honest until I went through the pictures that I downloaded from my phone, I had forgotten about it. I kn...
When Tom Landry was the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys, he had a late game defense which he called the "flex" defense. The idea was that the would allow the other team to move the ball down the field with relative ease, it just wouldn't let them score quickly or more often than not, it didn't ...
I wanted to share another photo of a fiery sunset with everyone! This one I took with my cell phone, so the image probably isn't as sharp as I would have liked to have had it. The colors were wonderful, and the best part is that it was taken just around the corner from our house, so occurrance...
For this post we are going a little out of our area to write about a restaurant. This one is in Clearfield, which is a little further North that we like to go, but it was worth writing about! Darcy and I had the pleasure of trying out this fine restaurant last week. I love Argentian food and th...
Last week I had the opportunity to get an up close look at one of the University of Utah Hospital's Air Med helicopters. The best part, it didn't require a medical emergency! This is one of those necessary evils that exist in the world. Not that it is evil, it is just that something bad is hap...