In searching for buyers lately- for homes for sale in Killeen Texas I have ran across some GEMS! There are several very nice foreclosures on our market right now- and some are virtually "move in ready!" I have seen many single family homes in our first time buyer range of around $80K to $1...
Thinking about buying a home in the Fort Hood - Killeen Texas real estate market? Ever heard the term "there's no time like the present" ? I specialize in homes for sale in Killeen, Harker Heights, Nolanville and the Fort Hood Texas areas. There are a lot of first time buyers in this market - and...
Wishing all mother's and those who play the role of mother for others...(I know a few of those!) a very Happy Mother's Day. As for me- I am enjoying my first mother's day as the mother of a DAUGHTER! My boys are 16 and 20...and last September we welcomed little Sadie Alice to our crew. Having a l...
Not very often- but every once in a while- a deal falls through... its sad for everyone. My buyer was prequalified, the listing was mine- not even on the market yet. We went under contract smooth as silk and everyone was happy. As it turns out- the buyer had some glitches in their employment hist...
Attention INVESTORS! Below is a link for today's active & available residential investment properties in the Killeen / Fort Hood area in Central Texas. We currently are assisting several investment buyers from in and out of state with purchases - but there are still plenty to go around! Fort Hood...
I think the lady was right when she was soothing my hurt feelings the other day- about AR servers and everyone being "on break" while they got the issues worked out! Last night I had a shower of comments on my blog posts over the past few days!! Yeah!!! I have a reminder set up for mid-morning on...
I have been a RainMaker now for a few days- and it seems that my blog post have less comments and traffic now -than when only the AR members could see them?? Am I doing something wrong? I got a nice comment from a lady who directed me to "groups" and how to select them for blog entries- so I did ...
Well I got the dreaded notice..."you have been selected for an IRS Audit" - my first one. I was so nervous before my first meeting with "IRS Wendy" today that I nearly started crying- and I NEVER cry! We keep pretty good business records- and our company is WAY SMALL so I don't really know what I...
Stephen has got it RIGHT people! These are some VERY good tips on how to properly network on the social platforms out there... BRAVO!!! As of this post, there are over 400 million people on facebook. With all those people in one place there is bound to be someone that just really annoys you t...
I took a new listing about a month ago in Killeen Texas- for a client who is in Germany with the US Army. His house had been in rentals for many years and he wants to cash in as he is approaching his retirement. I happened to be working with a Fort Hood area buyer at that time -who fell in love w...