Jane Chaulklin-Schott's - Realtor Luxury Homes Specialist (teamconnectluxuryhomes) Blog

Real Estate Agent - TEAMCONNECT REALTY - (407) 394-9766
Hi Everyone!  Happy New Year 2020!  It's a fresh new year, another chanceto work on life -- our goals and our dreams.  We each have a fresh new book in front of us -- 365 blank pages to write on.  And we can write our story anywhich way we choose because it is our very own book and our very own s...
Hi Everyone!  As  I write this, the thought crosses my mind that this isthe last day of the year, the last day of 2019.  For me, I am a little sad.  AsI review the year, I do see the good things I did.  I am happy and proudof the successes,  however, as I review 2019, I also see the failures and ...
Hi Everyone!  Dropping off quotes for the Sandbox.  Seems like lifesped up and keeping me a little too busy.  But I feel calm as I take timeto walk to the park and to the Sandbox.  Think when I sit down by theSandbox I am going to remember, going to take time to breathe properly again.  Going to ...
Merry Christmas Everyone!  December 25th, 2019.                                                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  "Christmas is not a story of hope.  It is hope."                  ~Craig D. Lounsbrough"Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the imp...
Hi Everyone!  Just back from watching YouTube coverage live of the Christmas Midnight Mass at the Vatican in Rome.   You and the Sandbox are on mymind and in my prayers.  Stopping to drop off some quotes.               Jane                                                               ~~~~~~~~~~~...
Hi Everyone on a Saturday evening!  Taking a quiet walk to the park.  Goingto bring some quotes to the Sandbox - hoping to reduce a little stress we maybe feeling at this time.  Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing Sunday.                                                              ~~~~~~~~~~~~...
Hi Everyone!  Today I have chosen motivational quotes for all of uschasing our dreams.  We are working each and every day focused on ourgoals.  We begin the day with one a main idea:  make it happen..go after it!!                                                                                    ...
Hi Everyone!  Almost the magic hour of midnight on this Sunday night herein Orlando.  As I walk to the Sandbox, I am thinking how rewarded I am toknow you, how blessed and grateful I am to have you in my life. I'm rewardeddaily through our ActiveRain connection. through your posts, sharing, comme...
Hi Everyone!  Saturday evening here in Orlando, Florida.  We had anotherbeautiful day - what can I say - winter months here in Central Florida areheavenly- high of 75º and a low of 52º.  I also will continue my choice of quotesas Part II from yesterday quotes of the life, work, challenges, and re...
Hi Everyone!  According to my world and the way I believe -- we are here'On Mission,' - each with a sacred contract to a Higher Source to aid andhelp humanity in every way we can.  And if we realize this we help eachother fulfill these missions.  In the course of this plan, our missions differ;fo...

Jane Chaulklin-Schott

TeamConnect Luxury Homes - Orlando, Florida, 32836
local_phone(407) 394-9766
smartphone(407) 394-9766
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