Ranks Targets Number of Students Included in the 2006 API2006 Base API 2006 Statewide Rank2006 Similar Schools Rank 2006-07 Growth Target2007 API Target 183 755 5 1 5 760 Subgroups Subgroup API Ethnic/Racial Number of Students Included in 2006 APINumerically Significant 2006 Base
Ranks Targets Number of Students Included in the 2006 API2006 Base API 2006 Statewide Rank2006 Similar Schools Rank 2006-07 Growth Target2007 API Target 525 785 7 4 5 790 Subgroups Subgroup API Ethnic/Racial Number of Students Included in 2006 APINumerically Significant 2006 Ba
Ranks Targets Number of Students Included in the 2006 API2006 Base API 2006 Statewide Rank2006 Similar Schools Rank 2006-07 Growth Target2007 API Target 160 855 9 8 A A Subgroups Subgroup API Ethnic/Racial Number of Students Included in 2006 APINumerically Significant 2006 Bas
Ranks Targets Number of Students Included in the 2006 API2006 Base API 2006 Statewide Rank2006 Similar Schools Rank 2006-07 Growth Target2007 API Target 162 804 7 7 A A Subgroups Subgroup API Ethnic/Racial Number of Students Included in 2006 APINumerically Significant 2006 Base
When people speak of autumn they normally are referring to the northeastern United States. But for folks who are visit Butte County in Northern California, we have a treat for you. The Feather River Canyon is a blaze with wonderful autumn scenery to your hearts delight. As the temperatures
If you are having trouble turning loose of the remote control for your tv, your missing out on a spectacular store located right here in Paradise, California. Paradise Hobbies and Raceway. Races are held outdoors on the track every second and fourth Saturdays of each month. For those remote c
A much needed traffic signal will begin testing Wednesday morning August 6, 2008, the testing sequence will begin for the traffic signal controller and components. Upon completion of all functional testing, the traffic signal will be activated. While minor traffic delay are expected, local busin
One of the favorite things to do is to enjoy concerts in the part in Chico, Ca. Music fills the City plaza on selected summer evenings. Every type of music from jazz to swingcounty even raggae will keep your toes tapping or bring about the mood for a little dance. Another very entertaining a
Throughout the spring and summertime season Butte county offers some local venues of interest. Like the farmers markets which offer the freshest produce around year round Saturdays from 7:30am until around 1:00 in the second street parking lot at wall and second street in Chico. Or if you pref
Moving from one house to another is always a challenge, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare. Here are some simple tips on how to get it done with minimal stress and strain. •· Look at all the alternatives: hiring a moving company, for example, versus renting a truck and doing it yoursel