Sonoma County stats: Here’s the raw data. In April 715 houses went into contract to purchase, up from March’s 647 homes in contract to purchase. This number has been increasing steadily over the past several months and will hopefully continue to rise! Check out this graph to see the info for your...
Financing For Your Home When thinking of purchasing a home what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Generally speaking the answer to this question is usually, if not always, “Money”. While the housing market is on the rise and value of homes are increasing, now is the perfect time to buy! Howev...
These are some good market updates from professionals in the respective industries: “If activity is sustained near present levels, existing-home sales will see their best performance in five years. Based on all the factors in the current market, that’s what we’re expecting with sales rising seve...
Current Uses For Hard Money Here are some Scenarios that depict the most recent and popular uses for Hard Money: Scenario 1: You have loanable equity in your property, whether it’s residential, commercial or land, and want to borrow against it. Loanable equity means the amount you can borro...
Sorting Through the Social Media Can O' Worms Some Great Useful New Stuff! Anyone else out there totally bombarded with social media? I always make sure I’m as up-to-date as reasonably possible on the latest and greatest in social media, social networking and marketing. I found this interesting l...
Sonoma County Statistics Update See how this local area is doing All of you out there in Sonoma County who are still doubtful that the market is in fact ‘in recovery’, take a look at these statistics! I refer to Trulia quite frequently to give me accurate updates on the market trends through stat...
P2P Lending The Newest Details on the Newest Lending System To truly market yourself to investors, you must first think like an investor. For instance, no investor will want to get involved with something that sounds as if it may fall through or sounds like it’s something they can’t rely upon. Th...
Stats on Facebook and Pinterest See all the numbers for yourself! I don’t know about you, but I use social media every virtually every day. Whether I’m updating a listing on Trulia or Zillow and then alerting Facebook, or I’m blogging on ActiveRain or LinkedIn, I’m constantly in contact with soci...
Jump on the Bandwagon of Social Media! If You Haven't, NOW is The Time Social Media technology is the tough nut that everyone is trying to crack. There are so many new technologies rising to today’s media surface that it’s difficult to keep track! More so than this, many companies are struggling ...
DIY Projects! Magazine Flowers and Rolled Paper Collage It’s time for Summer projects. Here are two great DIY videos I found for some home decorating fun with the kids, friends or just on your own. These are great ways to spruce up your home, add color and texture and do it all on a budget. The f...