My clients frequently ask me how they can search for open houses in Sacramento. Well, I have created a open house search tool on my website! This feature pulls data directly out of MLS and allows you to search for Sacramento-area (and surrounding counties as well) agent open homes by area, price
So exactly one month after the first post of Erin's Sacramento Short Sale Experiment, I am curious to see exactly what has transpired in the world of short sales in our metro area? Just to recap, my short sale experiment is tracking a few different Sacramento zip codes to see what how the short s
I worked to get this short sale listing approved, and got written approval after just 3 weeks of negotiation on Monday! Yippee! When I called the buyer's agent to let her know, she broke the news to me that the buyers just had an offer accepted on another house. NOOO!!Well - the great news is tha
Last week the Sacramento Association of Realtors "Young Professionals Council" did yet another fundraiser. We attended a Sacramento Rivercats game, and had a really fun tailgate party that was sponsored by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage! Between ticket sales, the sponsorship, and donations, we raised
I must admit that Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays...the weather is usually great, fireworks are spectacular, and neighborhoods seem to come together with some neat community events. Here are a few July 4th you might enjoy this year in 2009;-5th Annual Elk Grove Run for Independenc
Every other week or so, I will receive a call from the representative of a loan servicer, or 3rd party contractor informing me they have been ordered to "secure" one of my short sale listings. Huh??There are many loan servicers (like CitiMortgage, GMAC, Homecomings, Bank of America/Countrywide) t
If ya'll follow me on Twitter, you will already know that this afternoon I went to a home inspection. Turns out the venting for this water heater is not connected to it in any way. Gotta love bank owned homes! I can not emphasize enough the importance of getting a qualified professional set of e
Some one who shall remain nameless told me this morning that I should rename my blog...As much as I love doing short sales, and negotiating them takes up a good chunk of my day, I try to keep the post topics of my blog pretty well-rounded. After all, this is the "Sacramento Real Estate Blog" - no
If you follow me on Twitter, you will already know that this afternoon I returned from a 2-day strategic planning session with the Sacramento Association of Realtors. Every three years, SAR has an off-site meeting of the minds to outline the direction of the association for the next three years.
In a press release, the California Franchise Tax Board stated that almost all of the California New Home Purchase Tax Credit has been allocated already. There was a limited amount of money available for this tax credit, and it was available for new construction purchases by first time buyers in C