Buying your first home is perhaps the biggest financial decision you will ever make in your life. At the end of the day, everyone’s situation is unique, but when it comes down to evaluating if you are ready to purchase your first home, it is important to ask yourself a few important questions b...
Buying your first home is perhaps the biggest financial decision you will ever make in your life. At the end of the day, everyone’s situation is unique, but when it comes down to evaluating if you are ready to purchase your first home, it is important to ask yourself a few important questions b...
When it comes to credit scores, many consumers don’t know what to believe or what goes into calculating ones score. And that’s for good reason, as credit scores are derived from complex algorithms, too complex for even the most astute financial person to fully comprehend. However, there are cer...
As mortgage interest rates have continued to decrease in recent years, many homeowners no equity in their homes, but with good credit scores and income levels have not been able to take advantage of lower rates. This is due to the fact that no one would provide a new home loan for someone who ...
Recently the Department of Veteran Affairs announced some positive news in regard VA loan funding fees. Effective 1 October, 2011, VA funding fees will be decreasing across the board, with changes corresponding to the down payment ranges on the new VA loan taken. Currently, the VA loan funding ...
This is part two of a two part series on something that many home buyers seem to think has gone away, but has not, the no down payment loan. As we have touched on in the past, with the proper qualifications and program knowledge, there are still many no down payment options available for home b...
This is part one of a two part series on something that many home buyers seem to think has gone away, but has not, the no down payment loan. As we have touched on in the past, with the proper qualifications and program knowledge, there are still many no down payment options available for home buy...
As has been documented by the media in recent weeks, we are once again at or near historical lows when it comes to home loan interest rates. Of course, as we have addressed in other articles, the balances of their current home loans, in relation to the values of their homes, has kept them from re...
As mortgage interest rates have continued to decrease in recent years, many homeowners with little or no equity in their homes, but with good credit scores and income levels have not been able to take advantage of lower rates. This is due to the fact, that often times homeowners either could n...
In recent years, there have been varying rules when it comes to the purchase of a so-called “flipped” property. A “flipped” property is a home purchased by one buyer and then turned around and resold within 90 days by that buyer to a new buyer. Flipped property sales have continued to increase, ...