Pay attention to the list to sell ratio folks! 91.4% for the month of may in Vero Beach Florida! Homes are priced great, and many folks are benefiting... Vero Beach Real Estate Services One of the area's most knowledgeable and effective real estate agents, Paul provides his clients, family and cl
Vero Beach Real Estate Services Whether you are looking for assistance purchasing your first home, for the right investment/business property or for that perfect retirement home to share with your family, Paul provides a comprehensive understanding of all real estate market aspects. If you have
Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:48:49 GMT-0500 Gloria Estefan’s Costa d’Este Beach Resort in Vero Beach Vero Beach Real Estate Costa d’Este Beach Resort, Singer Gloria Estefan’s $50-million hotel in Vero Beach Florida will open its doors June 23, 2008. Costa d’Este Beach Resort was rebuilt around the Palm Co