Stan Stepak Avon Lake Ohio's Real Estate Connection

Real Estate Agent - Howard Hanna - Avon Lake, OH - 2006004434
  Current reports from Multiple Listing Service and TeleGraphics suggest a very strong sellers market over that of this time last year.   Curnt vs. Prev Month Curnt vs. Same Month 1 Yr Ago Curnt vs. Same Qtr 1 Yr Ago   Jun. 15 May. 15 % Change Jun. 15 Jun. 14 % Change Apr. 15 to Jun. 15 Apr. 14 t...
CLEVELAND CLINIC RICHARD E. JACOBS HEALTH CENTER SPONSORS SHOREMEN BRASS CLASSIC The Cleveland Clinic is Legendary Sponsor of the 4th Annual Shoremen Brass Classic held on July 31st, 2015 at Avon Lake High School's Memorial Stadium. The DCI event, part of "Marching Music's Major League", brings s...
The 10th Annual Summer Market Friday, July 24, 2015 4–9 p.m.Saturday, July 25, 2015 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.Veterans Memorial Park Avon Lake, Ohio at Rte. 83 & Lake Road map The Summer Market is a unique outdoor festival and benefit held in Avon Lake, Ohio, right on the shore of Lake Erie. Thousands of gu...
Band CampWhen: Aug 10 – 14, 2015Description:8:30-Noon - Visual TrainingNoon-1 PM - Lunch (pack lunch)1 - 4 PM - Sectionals 6-8:30 PM - Ensemble
  Friday, July 3, 2015            7 pm - Live Music at the Gazebo - Sloppy Joe Band performs at the Gazebo with classic rock, blues and R&B hits from the 60s through 80s. Saturday, July 4, 2015        8:30 am - Bay Days 5 Mile Race and Kids 1 Mile Fun Run - Cahoon Park at the Gazebo (Visit
Avon Lake Fireworks Date:  July 2, 2015 at DuskWhere: Weiss Field33401 Webber Rd Avon Lake, Ohio 44012  This location is a city park area.  So there is a playground with a water misting machine, skateboard park area, Dog Park, and baseball diamonds.  I have been informed that there will be live m...
Special Bulk Trash Pick Up Monday, June 29th The City of Avon Lake has negotiated a special unlimited bulk pick up for Monday, June 29th for those who have experienced damage due to the recent storm. All types of garbage bags will be accepted as long as they weigh less than 40 lbs. Please cut car...
Looking for a gated community in Avon Lake with all the bells and whistles, consider Kopf built Grand Master Homes in the Legacy Development. The Grand Masters Homes were designed to please even the most discerning homebuyers. These unique homes offer all the comforts of a single family home with...
Avon Heritage Duct Tape Festival Event Dates 6/19/2015 - 6/21/2015 Event Location Avon, OH Contact Information PO Box 354 Avon OH 44011 1-866-818-1116 Contact Email   Website Join us for our "Tropical Theme" in 2015. Free Parking. Free Admission. Free Entertainment...
Code Red is a reverse 9-1-1 system used by municipalities in urgent situations. Individuals must opt-in to the system to receive a Code Red.  Signing up is free and there is no limit to the number of phones—either landlines or cell—that can be registered. Both Avon and Avon Lake have opt-in CodeR...

Stanley Stepak

Realtor - Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake,
smartphone(440) 476-0234
local_phone(440) 933-6195
Contact The Author
Providing valuable education and services while serving those in search of buying and selling a home in Northeast Ohio. Specializing in Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake, Rocky River areas.Stan Stepak

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