Steven Shewell's (sshewell) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.
You've decided (quite smartly, I might add) to commit yourself to a marketing plan.  For the viability of your on going business, this is absolutely vital.But, you're not quite sure what to do.  How important is this anyway?  This takes a lot of thought and requires some considerable effort at th...
Okay, so you are completely committed to being a success in real estate.  You're motivated and smart, so you do what appears to be the logical thing:  watch those around you and ask questions.Good start.  By emulating those around you who are already successful, you too can achieve success, right...
Feel free to cut and paste this information onto your letterhead to handout to prospects you are assisting in finding their dream home...HOW TO SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WHEN YOU BUY A HOMEIf you're like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you startlooking for a home...
Okay, so rates have risen dramatically the last few weeks and many mortgage programs are no longer available.  Business has begun to slow for many of you and things aren't looking as rosy as they did a few months ago.  The buyer and seller leads are becoming harder to come by; thus making each an...
Congratulations, you work with a lender who, for the most part, gets your loans through.  Usually, they get them approved and you get paid.  It can't get any better than this...can it?Oh, contrare!  There are many more things that your lender can do to make your job easier, more efficient and MOR...
Are you a "world class" sales person?  One of the distinguishing practices of high performing real estate sales people is their ability to sell their products, services and themselves effectively in a variety of situations.  It is this ability to set themselves apart from the crowd that clients n...
In life, business, relationships, you name it, when we fail, we fail primarily not for what we don't know, but what we do know but don't act upon.  Inside each of us, there are elements pulling in many different directions.  Some of these things hold us back from reaching our true potential, and ...
Strategy # 1:  Constantly Increase Your Database                     This is the single biggest money making idea you can put into practice.  As the                     old saying goes, "Even though you're second in line, pretty soon you'll be first in                     line if you're standing ...
In today's age of technology, reaching the prospect before the competition has taken on a new look.  In order to develop the much needed rapport with the prospect, you need to communicate with them in some fashion.As I travel around, I always pick up any real estate related material that I can fi...
What is the goal for the number of transactions you would like to do in the next 12 months?  A previous article touched on this concept, but only to scratch the surface to give you a direction to go; it didn't include a road map to reach your goal.Up until now that kind of goal was satisfactory. ...

Steven Shewell

The Mortgage Maverick
local_phone(717) 738-6050
smartphone(717) 368-0016
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