Steven Shewell's (sshewell) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.
The phone rings and the butterflies's a POTENTIAL SELLER!  Your mind immediately rushes to how you're to impress them, beat out the competition, obtain a signature on a saleable listing, and find interested buyers.  But wait - the most important part of a listing presentation is happen...
Feel free to cut and past the information to create a flyer that you can use in your listing presentation.27 VALUABLE TIPS You Should KnowTo Get Your Home SOLD FAST and for TOP DOLLARBecause your home may well be your largest asset, selling it is probably one of the most important decisions you w...
Well, the year is half way gone.  Six months down, six to go.  Are you on track to achieve the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year?You did set goals, didn't you?  It is extremely hard to hit the target if you don't know where to aim.  Take heart, it's not too late to right the...
It is very hard to give 125% service to a client that does not deserve it by their resistant behavior. Many agents make a career out of working with difficult people when there are so many nice ones to choose from. The bottom line is lead generation. Do alot of it and you can pick and choose your...
Competition if FIERCE!  With the market the way it has been, there has been a tremendous influx of new agents and loan officers.  Everyone wanted to get a slice of the easy pie and who can blame them?  One of the biggest hurdles in today's market had been lack of inventory.  People are chomping a...
Many of you are utilizing the internet more and more in your marketing efforts.  A tremendous idea!Some of you are even using "autoresponders" to automatically provide information to visitors toyour website.  An even better idea!  But, does the information you provide to your prospects look"good"...
Are you doing ALL that you can to provide service to your customers and clients?  Are you sure?  Are you going the extra mile to make sure that your buyers get the house they want, that your sellers' property sells as quickly as possible for the highest price?Let me give you a case in point:  I s...
One word, more than any other, will shape your business.  It will ultimately determine whether you are a raving success or will continue to struggle.That word is "listening". The art and science of influencing equals listening skill.  Not the easiest of skills to master, but the most powerful way...
We are now getting ready to move into the second half of the year.  Are you on track to reach your goals?  With the market having turned, have you fallen behind in your production?Let's look at a common scenario.  It's 8am on Monday morning.  You had a great weekend and wish it didn't have to end...
Recently in an area jewelry store, the owner received an allotment of turquoise settings that were not selling.  Even though the tourist season was at its peak, the turquoise drew little attention even though other items were.  The last resort of offering the sales staff spiffs didn't seem to hel...

Steven Shewell

The Mortgage Maverick
local_phone(717) 738-6050
smartphone(717) 368-0016
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