Steven Shewell's (sshewell) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc.
Congratulations!  You've come to the intelligent conclusion that self promotion is important for the on going viability of your business.You're now ready to go.  But, where do you go?  Where do you begin?  How do you make the most effective use of your marketing dollars to get the maximum exposur...
Okay, things have slowed down a bit, but now that rates have risen slightly, it appears that there is more inventory coming on to the market, thus making it possible to convert some prospects into bona fide sales.  For the last 1-2 years, you haven't had to do too much; the phone just rang and yo...
If you are new to real estate and trying to find your path to success, or if you are an experienced agent looking for ways to improve your performance these "tips" can help you refocus your efforts to achieve the results that you desire.In trying to build a real estate business we have to look at...
Okay, you have your scripted list of questions that you are going to ask each and every client.  These questions are geared to give you vital information that you can use later to close the seller on any offers received (if you don't have a list of questions to ask, e-mail me.  I'll give you the ...
Rosser Reeves, in his classic book, Reality in Advertising, said it best:  "If you run a brilliant campaign every year, but change it every year, your competitors can pass you with a campaign that is less than brilliant - providing they do not change it." Great personal marketing campaigns that c...
Today I want to talk about fourteen tips to make sure that your advertising copy works.  Ideas that, although we have had the concepts thrown at us many times, we sometimes overlook the obvious.  Ensuring that you follow these guidelines will increase the response to your marketing and generate m...
This advice will fly directly in the face of many I have seen here on AR, but bear with me and I think you will see my logic.As a rule, I don't give out my business card unless someone asks for it.  Of course, there are rare exceptions, but normally, if someone doesn't ask for my card - I don't g...
When you are marketing, be it a classified ad, brochure, flyer, etc., how do you know you have a powerful, effective headline?  Here's a great acid test: separate the headline from everything else, out of context, and treat it as a classified ad; nothing but the headline and a response instructio...
Here are the things you seek to accomplish when you ask questions of prospects or clients:1.  You ask questions to gain and maintain control. 2.  You ask questions to indicate the broad areas they are interested in where you might be of service.  Then, you ask more questions to isolate the narrow...
No subject has been explored, examined or exploited more than that of reaching your full potential.  Aristotle explored the concept from a metaphysics view back in 545 B.C.  No doubt the subject was debated even before the Greek philosopher.   Now centuries later, books, DVDs, articles, interview...

Steven Shewell

The Mortgage Maverick
local_phone(717) 738-6050
smartphone(717) 368-0016
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