Tampa Bay had the fourth highest national foreclosure rate in February according to RealtyTrac. In Florida we were joined at the top by Miami, Orlando, and Ocala which ranked 1,2,and 3 for a clean sweep of the top spots for Florida. No medals here! Drew Harwell, in todays Tampa Bay Times writes...
Sinkholes are not just a Florida problem, they can exist just about anywhere in the country and several recent incidents have "opened" (pardon the pun) many peoples eyes to this fact! A recent sinkhole occurrence here in Florida became a national and international event because of it's unusual na...
Florida Hardest Hit fund is a resource for underwater homeowners who can apply for temporary assistance if they are unemployed. In Florida, the fund is just over 1 Billion ($1,000,000,000) dollars and nearly all of it is still available even though the program has been in existence for over two ...
Bats in the Belfry. or rather, in my garage. I know, the term is an antiquated word that loosely describes someone who is insane or suffering from "madness". As a Realtor, this does frequently describe my behavior, especially when working with some of my fellow agents in the Tampa Bay area! But...
Tampa Real Estate Agent is being sued by the Federal Government for a Fair Housing Violation becasue his IDX feed included a listing (by another agent) that included terms deemed "illegal"! ould it happen to you, apparently YES! As real estate agents, most of us have what is called an IDX feed wh...
Real Fake People or Fake Real People or was it......oh, never mind. Actually, there is a website that "supposedly" generates bogus information about real people to "confuse" search engines when you search for Real Not Fake People, In Real Estate; think, looking for phone numbers for Expired or F...
Yes, it's that time of year! "Spring Forward" with your clocks comes even earlier this year due to legislation that is out of our hands. Sunday, March 10th, at 2 AM is the official time to change your clocks and move them forward one hour, although I believe that most people will change them pr...
Hillsborough Property taxes posted and increase this past year in a case of "What goes down, must go up". A play on words because the last few months of 2012 and the beginning of 2013 signify the "end" of the housing slump as home prices have begun to rise. But, with higher prices for our homes...
Hannah's Hope is a Facebook page dedicated to a small dog, born with multiple deformities. She has no knee caps in her rear legs, a condition caused by canine dwarfism. She is also diagnosed with Hypothyroidism which is a clinical condition resulting from a lowered production and release of ho...
White House cancels tours citing budget cuts caused by the "Sequester" and our Congress' failure to pass a budget and/or inability to agree to a combination of spending cuts and tax increases. On a side note, the federal government spent approximately $2.2 Billion dollars on free phones in a prog...