A home or any commodity, is only worth what the market will bear. A troubled Phoenix real estate market doesn't change that.Quite often, we hear from sellers that they need to net X amount of dollars from their home sale, despite its value being considerably less. Well, I'd like a second home in ...
Today, published an informative article by Bob Willis, on November existing home sales. Please click the link to read.The article speaks for itself and shows the power of the free market to stimulate sales. Yes, prices were down, but it encouraged buyers to step up. I have never und...
How is the real estate market faring in the environs north of Phoenix, Arizona? In response to various inquiries, I delved into the statistics of an anonymous Phoenix area neighborhood to check the pulse of the market. Around this time of year, whilst attending a never-ending round of cocktail pa...
My annual attempt at the impossible.  Trying to guess where real estate markets will trend in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area in the coming year.   Predicting future events is never an easy job, and more often than not, a futile exercise of vanity over reality.  However, that has never stop...
The final chapter on the fate of two Valley of the Sun homes, that we have written of previously. Some months ago, I wrote of two homes that had come onto the market due to the owner's need to re-locate (our blog). I will briefly re-cap the stories. Couple "A" bought a phoenix home in March 2006 ...
In the extremely competitive real estate market that is gripping the nation, and particularly the greater Phoenix area, should your agent be a nice guy? Let me explain. First of all, should your real estate agent be a "nice"guy? (or gal, I know!) Well, whether you are selling or buying, what you ...
Competitive pricing has always been an important factor when selling your home.  Now, more than ever, it is an essential component when marketing your home in the Valley of the Sun. Traditionally, the summer has been a time when the real estate market begins to slow down in Phoenix, Arizona. Part...
At last, some good news for the Phoenix real estate market? Well, yes, but... As I write this article, in the dying days of March, it seems that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel; and I do not believe it is a train coming towards us! It has been reported, on a nation-wide basis, that ...
Here in the Valley of the Sun, as in the rest of American, many homeowners decide to remodel rather than move. Often, it is a sound idea. However, many Phoenix residents pose the question "Should I get a permit?"The simple answer to this conundrum is, of course, yes. If it is required by law for ...
Well, here we are again! Another year older and deeper in debt (thank you Roger Miller.) Before I put quill to parchment I went back and read what I had predicted for 2007.I think I was right to predict a gloomy market and the market has indeed seen a reduction in sales volumes and sales prices. ...

Gary and Shannon Kiernan

Cave Creek Arizona Real Estate Blog
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This is a blog dedicated to Real Estate issues in Arizona. Hosted by Gary (a licensed Broker)and Shannon (a licensed Sales Associate) Kiernan operating in the greater Phoenix area. Check out our website at, search for properties or ask us a real estate question.