It very well may be. Free websites are typically either provided by an LO's company, or the loan officer signs up for one, with many consequences: A company provided website typically does not brand an individual loan officer, it brands the company. The online loan applications on the company we
Mortgage Market Guide and MorSystems partnered up to offer not only individual loan officers a great website, now companies with multiple loan officers and even multiple office locations can benefit. (Carmel, CA) December 18, 2009 -- The new Sue Woodard/MMG company website is now available for ju
Some of the most simple things can be overlooked. I evaluate my client's websites and constantly find easy things for them to do to increase their visibility online, and gain credibility online. I love activerain for this reason. Activerain gets great Google search results for people's names and
So I had to write a blog announcing Barry's seminar in my home town. We're sponsoring the event and we picked out the coolest spot, a hawaiian steakhouse restaurant!! This seminar isn't about appeasing upset loan officers with rounded edged it'll be ok speech. This seminar will teach loan officer
Your website needs to gain you credibility. It needs to stay fresh to do so. Have a spot on your homepage where you announce new rates, new programs, new announcements that will be of interest to your prospects and referral partners. Just like your blog, update it often. Perhaps it's dated with a
In my last blog I talked about branding yourself as an individual. Part of that is answering the question for potential clients and referral partners, Why should I choose you? Why should they choose you? Do you close loans on time every time? Do you offer more programs and rates than competitors
Many of you work with a company that has a website. But, if you don't have your own webpage that you have control over, which individually brands online loan applications to you, you are missing out, or even worse your client's loan apps are going to someone else. Even if you do have your own web
We started offering lifelock to our clients, so they can offer it to theirs. We are all members and at the discounted rate, it's sooo worth it. Offer it to your clients, and everyone at a discounted rate, and make a few extra buckaroos here and there!
It's like the idea of a wireless headset is better than the actual product still. I'm looking for something simple:A bluetooth that allows for communication, you know, what the phone is for!! We've tried bluetooths and jawbones in high and low price ranges and none have accomplished quality 2 way
It very well may be. Free websites are typically either provided by a loan officer's company, or is sought out by the loan officer, both with many consequences: A company provided website typically does not brand an individual loan officer, it brands the company. The online loan applications on t