Sheila's Blog

Real Estate Agent - Atlanta Communities Real Estate Brokerage - 291660
I've continually tried to market it with either new flyers or areas of marketing or both, constantly follow up with feedback calls, etc. Because I live in a small community, I know they're intent, do I confront them now, or just wait for them tell me after I have to ask for an extension on their listing because it hasn't sold? Not a quitter, just thought I could get some rock solid advice to follow. Thanks, Sheila
I'll start off stating, this is my first attempt at blogging, so bear with me. I'm not even sure if I'm blogging or not.  Recenly I started on the path to achieving my CRS accreditation and thoroughly enjoyed the first class, CRS 201. As you all know there are a series of classes one must take to...

Sheila Malloy

smartphone(404) 918-7267
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What do you do when you know your Sellers are getting ready to yank the property, because it hasn't sold in this market, at the price they needed/had to start selling it at?