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Services for Real Estate Pros - Second Self Virtual Assistance
As a Real Estate Virtual Assistant who is passionate about providing the very best real estate support, this blog will give you great information, the latest trends, tips and tools and freebies for success in your real estate business.



My Name is Pamela and I'm a PerfectionistBeing a perfectionist is not an easy thing to admit.  It's both a blessing and a curse.  The blessing is that since I expect a lot of myself. I know I'm giving, and my clients are receiving, my best work.  Then there's the curse.  It is, at times, frustrat...
4 Ways to Get Potential Clients to Know, Like, and Trust YouHow to Build Mutually-Beneficial Relationships with Clients through the Know, Like, Trust Method Businesses are built by forming relationships with potential clients. You can spend a ton of marketing dollars trying to get potential clien...
There's More to Content Marketing Campaigns Than Blogging           Top 10 Content Types For Your Next Content Marketing Campaigns What comes to mind when you think about content marketing?  The most common types are blog posts, articles, and eBooks. Written content works great.  Using these addi...
Facebook Followers: 5 Things That Haven't Changed5 Simple Ways to Build Your Facebook FollowersThere's a lot of talk (and concern) about the new Facebook changes and how they will affect your business. Many of us have spent years successfully attracting and connecting with Facebook followers.  On...

Pamela Cendejas

Second Self Virtual Assistance (928) 692-3235
Contact The Author

Being a Virtual Assistant for real estate professionals is a great job! We provide website design and maintenance, marketing, search engine optimization, blog promotion, ghostwriting, contact management, virtual tours and promotion and a lot more.

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