Part of my job as a virtual assistant is to find places online that would be beneficial for my clients to utilize. I found one of those places just the other day and decided I needed to share it with all of you: Manta. Manta gives small companies a big voice. With over 64 million profiles for
Recently, my virtual assistant team and I needed to find an alternative to Photo Bucket for online photo storage and sharing. We were creating some custom ads to jazz up a client's Craigslist marketing. We created beautiful custom ads, full of color with great graphics and, at the end of the da
Karen Fiddler has written a list of expectations that she provides as part of her listing presentation and buyer's package. They're worth a re-blog.This is a new item I've included in my listing presentation, and in my buyer's package. As some of you may know, I've been on a mission to quantify m
We all know that video is an extremely popular medium to promote yourself and your listings. Static photos alone just don't cut it anymore. While a slideshow is lovely, a virtual tour is even better. But, if you're looking to create a professional looking presentation with photos, documents an
I am constantly amazed at all the opportunities Real Bird gives real estate listings wings to promote themselves and their listings in creative and amazing ways. Their free account allows you to create two listings at any given time. However, for just $89, you can create as many listings as you