I want to thank Lenn Harley, Active Rain member, for the inspiration for today's post. Lenn posted a comment on my recent members only blog, A Rose by Any Other Name is a Domain Name, letting me know that Google was not only a woman, but was just like Mom. In case you missed it, here is the quo
Web users want information. That is why the Internet is called the Information Superhighway. And yet, with all the information available, very few people really know what a real estate professional does or how the real estate process works. You can be a solution to this problem by posting info
Widgets and WHAT they can do are limitless. But HOW and WHERE you use them may not be. Various web-hosted sites and blogs may have restrictions as to what widgets you can use and/or their placement on a page. Most widgets appear in a sidebar section. Web-hosted sites restrict widgets to ensur
Widgets are a great marketing tool. Links and buttons work well, but widgets can enhance your sight, making it more visually effective as well as making your site more automated and user-friendly. Widgets can be fun or they can be practical. These on-screen tools may provide games, videos, new
There are widget directories and specialized widgets sites that allow you to download these simple programs. There are thousands of widgets which are free to use while others are available for purchase. Here are some great widget directories to help you find useful widgets: · www.yourmin
Widgets are simple and easy to use. You can place widgets on your personal computer's desktop or embed them into your website or blog-site pages. To embed a widget into a webpage, all you need to do is copy the code and paste it onto your webpage. In addition to the pre-programmed widgets avail
You have seen and used widgets daily, but may not have recognized them for what they are: widgets. Those little screen shots which show you the current time or temperature are examples of widgets. Now for a more technical explanation: a widget, in the internet world of Web 2.0, is a gadget made u