Merlin Pearson's (saluki7099) Blog

Mortgage and Lending - Brand Mortgage Group
While things may be slower than they have been in the past there is still business to be done.  Things change, credit criteria changes, the market changes, and we all have to look for changes in how we do business as well.  The old tried and true methods still work, because many of the issues tha...
I believe that it is always helpful to periodically go over what affects interest rates so those that don't follow it every day can at least have a feel for what to look for.  Of course with the market being what it is and the economy being in something of a flux the things that affect it can cha...
The whole landscape has, as we all know, changed significantly over the past two years.  One of these areas is appraisals.  The way they are handled, the way they are viewed, the requirements, etc.  As of January 1, 2009 the way they will be required to be ordered will change.  They will have to ...
I had a call about three weeks ago from a potential customer (always a good thing!).  He needed a refinance but explained to me that his property was rather unique and that this is why he called me because he knew that I was with a locally owned bank (even though we do lend in all states). He tol...
I was in my office this morning doing follow up work on some things in process and working toward closings and also some potential clients.  I seem to be able to accomplish these tasks much quicker than I have in the past.  Not quite sure why.....  When I go ready to leave I told my processor I w...
For many industries this saying is as old as the hills and is something that people with a regular 5 day work week look forward to.  It means a weekend off, family time, maybe a short trip, etc.  In this industry for those on the "front line" of the sales forces it has often meant showing houses,...
I am currently reading a rather large book, Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand.  It is certainly interesting reading, and if you haven't read it I certainly recommend it.  My thought is that our industry is almost completely commission driven.  We are compensated for production.  Many people have a need...
From time to time we all need to just stop, take a moment, and find something to laugh about.  It is important, whether business is good or bad, busy or slow, to keep things in perspective.  So please find below a few things that might bring a smile to your face. Two antennae met on a roof top, f...
I have sometimer's disease every once in a while (not alzeihmer's) and can't remember the rest of the words to that song by the Mama's and Papa's.  But it is Monday!  Yesterday was father's day and I sincerely hope that every father had a terrific day.  I have two sons, 26 and 23, and am very ble...
I don't know about most of you but I am pretty tired of the Captital One advertising campaign about "What's in your wallet?".  At the moment the answer is nothing.  But that's for another story.  But just like a lot of advertising gimmicks or phrases ("Can you hear me now?" comes to mind) it tend...

Merlin Pearson

local_phone(678) 226-7865
smartphone(678) 559-7346
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