Our local newspaper, The Brunswick News, had an article announcing a concert at a local church in the area. The piano concert featured an artist named Brian Arnold. You may be thinking "Well that's nice, but what has a concert in Brunswick, GA., got to do with me?" My answer is simply to be in...
In our trade area, realtor open houses are customarily held on Wednesdays on the Mainland and on Thursdays on the Island. People try all sorts of schemes to "lure" other realtors to come by and view the properties, such as lunch, door prizes, cash drawings and other enticements. I've always tho...
The media continues to paint a pretty colorless picture for the real estate market with a recent feature story on the nightly news of another Georgia real estate broker who had changed her real estate firm to a flower shop! I am located on St. Simons Island in Southeast GA and I'm not going to s...
My last Active Rain post was on the topic of the entirely too frequent use of a particular 4-letter "F" word in movies today. But there is another "F" word we are all hearing with great regularity today---foreclosure. The news last night had a segment on a real estate broker in California that ...
I'm not such a prude that I recoil at every slight offense, but enough is enough! Do we have to be bombarded with that word that some of us were taught to avoid? Is there no line in the sand somewhere to separate ladies and gentlemen from those who are not?It's difficult to go to a movie withou...
I recently read an article in our local newspaper which noted that some companies have instituted a ban on hiring new employees that smoke and requiring current employees to not only quit smoking on company property, but not smoke at all. We were discussing that topic today, and my assistant was...
Just like the Pointer Sisters sang back in the day, I am so excited about the New Year and the new life we are already seeing in our office. We have gotten some great new listings and are receiving numerous floor call inquiries from people looking for a property. Agents are even starting to sig...
My office manager and I have on more than one occasion discussed the enigma of what does it take to get people motivated to work their real estate consistently and treat it like a "real job?" It seems pretty basic that individuals working in any type of commissioned sales position would have to ...
The State of GA legislators are about to reconvene in January and a plan to debate the elimination of property tax is being considered called GREAT (GA Repeal of Every Ad Valorem Tax). In its stead would be replacement funds from a statewide sales tax. Advocates of this plan believe that the el...
I recently read a blog on another website that had an interesting take on the mortgage meltdown we're currently being bombarded with on the news and media. This individual was introducing the idea that the government needs to take the lion's share of the responsibility for the mortgage mess as t...