
Another Problem With 2 Layers Of Shingles It's something that real estate agents and, especially, home inspectors notice when looking at a house.  How many layers of roofing shingles does it have? It is best that when replacing a roof that the old shingles be removed, however for cost reasons som...
What Is Minimum Wage? An individual who is working full time at minimum wage is making about $4000 more than the federal poverty guideline.  I didn’t make this up; they did. Two individuals working full time at minimum wage earn over $30,000 and more than the federal poverty guideline by about $1...
Minimum Wage or Living Wage; It does Not Matter Changing the term "minimum wage" to "living wage" may make it sound more important, but it does not make it a better idea. When the "minimum wage" is increased it has a momentary impact, which is very quickly lost as the overall economy adjusts to i...
The Benefits Of Increasing The Minimum Wage Could Be Many For example, assume that there is a fast food restaurant which employs 15 people at close to minimum wage, or close to $7.25 per hour.  Now, let's say that the minimum wage is increased to $10.00 per hour.  This is an increase of $2.75 per...
Who Is The Mysterious Abuse Editor At Facebook? "This message is no longer available because it was identified as abusive or marked as spam." I received a message from someone on facebook.  The message was deleted and the above message was shown in its place.I suspect that the message actually wa...
The Market Was Already Tested Many sellers of properties which I have listed have used a statement such as: I just want to test the market. Basically, they are saying I want to ask more for my house than it is worth. My response is: The market has already been tested. This is part of the reason t...
"What's With You Guys?" I quote my client whose house I have listed with this statement: "What's With You Guys?". By "you guys", he means real estate agents.  He was nice enough to exclude me from this remark, but I don't know, maybe I am as guilty as those whom we believe are the problem. The pr...
FHA Loan Limits Are Going Down In 2014 In the Greater Baltimore region, the loan limit for FHA loans is going down in 2014 from $560,000 to $494,500 for a single family home.  This area includes Baltimore City, and the counties of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, and Howard. In DC and t...
It Is Okay To Offer Less Than Asking Price Before I get into discussing it being okay to offer less than asking price, let me, also, state that it is okay to offer more than asking price. It depends on the particular property, the asking price of that property, and the local market for that prope...

Ron Trzcinski, 410-935-5844

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