In this post I would like to share with you a couple of good suggestions about purchasing foreclosures. Although some foreclosures can purchased for below market value there are sometimes reasons for that that are unknown to the average buyer. Values for foreclosures are initially set by professi...
I can certainly relate to anyone's dilemma about whether to interact with social networks, how to go about it, and trying to determine which ones to use the most. Below are my thoughts about a couple of them. I have found TWITTER to be cold and feel somewhat disconnected due to the spammers, ad p...
Worth repeating: I have already read some posts that discuss the 90 day moratorium for investment properties which means you must have possession of the property 90 days BEFORE your buyer can obtain FHA secured financing. BE SURE that your FHA appraisal in after the 90 day period. Remember that ...
I am not a politician, nor am I usually this vocal or comment this strongly about anything but I feel this needs to be said. It is really sad what greed has done to our country. The consideration for our fellow neighbors and friends have been seriously clouded by the "Love of Money". I do hope fo...
Thanks Mike for the Facebook Rules Info. Straight from my email Inbox Q. “Mike, if I am in business (let’s just say I’m a real estate agent) do I set up a Facebook profile for my business or do I setup a Business Page? A. Looking just at the Facebook Terms of Service (TOS) Section 3, Point 1: 3. ...
I have used a forwarding service for my E-mail for many years through and found it to be very useful and practical. No matter where you are or what ISP you use your Email address stays the same. Also it has very sophisticated spam filtering that screens 99% of unwanted messages much lik...
So you want to be an REO agent huh? Better read this first. Happy Selling!I have found that most agents and brokers who are listing REOs from a variety of different banks and asset managers are not aware of some risks they may be facing. Many banks and asset managers require indemnity statements ...
Is your Marketing Money being put to good use? Are enhancements worth the money? Hell Heck no. At least that is my observation. I drove 2 hours one way to go to a seminar put on by It was being billed as valuable information to show the agent how to: Leverage the cha...
This is a must read for all of you fence riders. It makes good sense and should get you to thinking. Hey homes will never be free and sellers will not pay you to take the home (well, almost never) so why wait until the interest rates rise and the tax credit disappears before you buy. Do your fami...
With the ever increasing file sizes and number of documents required to complete a transaction I thought Brad's post about online file storage was worth a second look. Windows Live is another free online service that offers storage called SkyDrive. I predict, as more and more software becomes web...