This is a real estate agent event, and must be rsvp'd, so please don't just show up. RSVP and come on out to Prosper, Texas on 9-23-10. I'd love to meet you and tell you all about life in Prosper from a resident Realtor's perspective and Prosper ISD from a Mom's perspective. We have been delig...
Right now is the leanest the residential leasing market has been all year in Prosper, Texas. There are only seven (7) homes available for rent. The rentals range from $1195 per month to $5500 per month. The majority of the homes are over 3,000 square feet of living space, and built after 2003....
Here's a common scenario these days: Your home listing is getting tons of hits on the internet, but only scattered showings. Your showings aren't giving feedback (or your agent has to follow up half a dozen times before the agent gives any indication of how the showing went.) Then, you do get ...
When I went into real estate, I vowed not to only work in fair weather, which is most of what we see in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. But, I vowed to work in all weather conditions. If the post office can deliver the mail in snow, sleet, and pounding rain, then I could sell a home in those l...
How do you get your real estate information? If it's from the Dallas Morning News, you may want to know that many real estate agents in Collin County, Texas wouldn't use the Dallas Morning News real estate section to wrap fish. Online attention grabbing headlines? Those have no bearing here. ...
Hyper-local: serving a small geographic location. When I first went into real estate, I thought the hyper-local agents, those who specialized in only one town, city, or region of DFW, were pretty lazy. I tried to be the uber-agent - agent to all, and willing to drive all over this North Texas ...
Do you have ICE in your cell phone? A piece of good advice for anyone - not just real estate agents - is having a phone number in your cell phone under the contact name ICE (In Case of Emergency). I work with clients. They ride in my car. We tour homes together. We work together in serious c...
As we picked up the pieces after the tsunami that hit our housing market in Summer, 2008, the North Texas region took stock of the situation. We took a hit, but it wasn't quite the catastrophe that we feared. Some sections of DFW are still digging out of the rubble, but we're mostly back on hig...
I spoke to a couple today who wants me to take over their listing and help them find their next home in Collin County. They already have an agent. But, they sought me out and asked for me to take on their home sale as soon as they can terminate their current listing. When I asked the reason th...
It would almost be funny, if it weren't so sad. North Texas worked it's way out of a recession between Summer 2008 and Summer 2009. We've seen steady improvement in our housing market since then. But, I see some people in Prosper reducing the price of their homes and continuing to give away eq...