Preceding my resent post regarding Oklahoma City custom home building, Nancy and I got in the truck one day recently when the weather was just so good you couldn't stay inside. We drove through Canyon Lakes, which was another blog. After that we drove a little further north of the Kilpatrick Tu
Dreams Do Come True Home Page The Oklahoma City and Edmond areas are bursting with new homes and additions. Some families want to build a custom home to fit their own needs, styles, and tastes. I started writing a step by step process as a guide help someone to custom build. I was going for a
Warr Acres Homes Today in Warr Acres, November 21,2008, there are 25 homes on the market. This is not an exact count due to some Realtors entering their listing for the Warr Acres area as Oklahoma City. The highest price on the market in Warr Acres is $249,900 with the lowest current listing at
Below is the latest news from the Warr Acres Web site. City Services Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday City Hall and other City services offices will be closed on Thursday, November 27th and Friday, November 28th in observance of Thanksgiving. If your trash is scheduled to be picked up on this holi
Oklahoma City Area As gas prices decline and have reached prices lower than it's been in several years, I'm waiting to see the other industries and products lower their cost. According to the local news, higher gas prices resulted in paying more for our groceries, electricity, road repair, and
Oklahoma City Airport Real Estate While doing some research about Warr Acres Oklahoma, I thought about the nearby Wiley Post Airport in Bethany. I looked up their website and found some facts that I thought to be interesting. Located in the Northwest Oklahoma City area, the Wiley Post Airport is
Paradigm AdvantEdge Realty Paradigm Realty, Now Paradigm Advantedge Realty has joined with the Advantedge Realty Group. Already Oklahoma's second largest independent Broker, Paradigm Advantedge Realty now has more marketing power and more associates to help you. Our highly trained and experience
www.DreamsDoComeTrue.Us I welcome the changing of the leaves. It's not because I am looking forward to winter, but I will embrace it as the time comes. It means Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon and we will get to see more of our family. Although autumn officially began on or around
Today, November 4th, 2008, at 11:30 a.m., we used our privilege to vote. The numbers on the ballad counters at our designated voting precinct for Warr Acres, Oklahoma, were very high for our community. The numbers were triple to what I have seen at closing time in other, more local elections.
If you are a fist time home buyer, time is running out to take advantage of the $7,500 tax credit you may be eligible for when submitting your 2008 income tax. If you qualify as a first time home buyer, this may benefit you. •· The tax credit is available for first-time home buyers only. •·