netiquette: What is Plagiarism and Why You Should Avoid it Like the Plague!
- 06/27/11 11:52 AM
Plagiarism is a topic that comes up repeatedly here on ActiveRain, and rightly so. With so many new members unfamiliar with proper Netiquette and acceptable publishing practices, it's a good thing to rehash such things regularly. Just recently, a self-proclaimed 'social media manager' wrote an article that was posted on a popular business social network, BizNik. The article initially was well-received, garnering numerous positive comments. Unfortunately, it was later determined that this article had been swiped (copied & pasted) almost verbatim from another member's blog. The site management decided to keep the article live as an example of what NOT to (35 comments)
netiquette: "Respect and Civility in the Blogosphere" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips
- 01/03/09 11:58 AM
Our community here on ActiveRain is most fortunate. The founders have created a platform that provides a relatively safe and encouraging environment for fellow real estate professionals to interact with one another. We can come here to get our blogging feet wet, as it were, and have literally hundreds of helpful members cheering us on! Each time that we log on to ActiveRain, the flood gates of FREE relevant expert advice and knowledge are opened up, allowing us to fill our minds with helpful information. Since becoming immersed in the social networking fray over the past several years, I've enjoyed a (48 comments)
netiquette: "Free Speech has a Cost" - The ActiveRain Community Guidelines Re-Visited
- 08/13/08 09:31 AM
It's been a while since our last installment, so just to recoup: We've been reviewing and dissecting, in order, each of the AcitveRain Community Guidelines at length to ensure that we're all on the same page, and are fully aware of the expressed expectations for members who participate in our valued community. ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ Our next guideline reads as follows: "We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech which contains slurs or the malicious use of stereotypes intended (55 comments)
netiquette: "Cowardly Comments" - Rudeness in the Rain
- 01/14/08 11:35 AM
The following comment recently appeared on a post written by one of our members. The commenter was obviously upset over the nature of the article, feeling it was inappropriate for our network. "The bigger question is... WHO CARES? Why are you posting #$%^&&% recipes on a real estate blogging platform? Are you THAT bored? Are you THAT unprofessional? Is that what you want your clients to see? Are you just blogging for points? It's THIS type of garbage that is diluting the effectiveness and quality of Active Rain!" I'm not going to take the time to debate the merits of whether 'recipes' or 'jokes' or whatever (57 comments)
netiquette: "Monsters in the Blogosphere!" - Blog Tips for Rain Drips
- 10/03/07 08:08 AM
A while back, I wrote a fun, somewhat comical, somewhat serious, piece entitled, "Armchair Quarterbacks in the Blogosphere." It was written in response to an encounter I had with someone who had commented rather maliciously to an article I published on my 'other' blog, SOUNDBITEBLOG. If done well, conversational blogging should foster good, impassioned debate, and the healthy exchange of ideas/opinions. Unfortunately, all too many times, people use blogs as a battleground in which to assert their egos and to showcase their obviously superior intelligence. Or, if nothing else, to dazzle us with an expanded vocabulary. The greater blogosphere has become a breeding ground for verbal (23 comments)
So let's start with Proper Netiquette, or, "Playing Fair in the Blogging Sandbox." According to Wikipedia, "Netiquette is a catch-all term for the conventions of politeness and respect recognized on Usenet, in mailing lists, in live chat systems, and on other electronic forums such as Internet message boards. These conventions address the relationship between personal behavior (140 comments)
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