Yesterday, I posted my first try at the Edmond Video Hotsheet and got some great advice on things I might do to improve on it. I also learned a few other things I could do to give it some 'flair.' So, I took another shot at it today, and here's what I came up with: My end goal here is to have i
Well, I've been toying with some ideas (for a while now) of how to use video in my efforts to keep the public informed, and I've finally implemented one... Central Oklahoma's first daily hotsheet video. Here's day 1: What do you think?
Those of us in the real estate business get a lot of laughs from the things we see each day, and sometimes from the photos we see on the MLS. I thought I'd have a little fun this morning and see what captions the braintrust here at AR can come up with for this photo I took earlier in the week:LE
So, I posted last week about the possible benefits of getting your RSS feed on RSSHugger, and since then have seen a more dramatic flow of traffic from this source.It seems that the higher I climb up their Top 100 list, the more direct traffic I'm getting from it. After the last post here on AR
I posted last month about RSS Hugger and thought I'd post an update now.When I originally posted, I had just created my feed to RSS Hugger and wasn't sure if I'd see any benefit from it at all, and really most of my traffic from it at that time was from those of you here on AR who read my post.
It's a question I see in the eyes of many clients, and even more of my peers, so it's always fun to get a little love from those who recognize what you do right. It was no different when my online presence was recently noticed and used as an example in an article written by Dustin Moore of a la m
ORIGINALLY POSTED ON MY EDMOND REAL ESTATE BLOG on 3/22/2008 A good friend of mine bought a gorgeous home in Summer Ridge last year, and he's really in tune with what's going on in the neighborhood. Of course, I'm always interested too, since it's one of the communities I had a part in developing
It's amazing how many people are searching for more information about the tornado that swept through Edmond Sunday night/Monday morning, and I've since discovered that I actually know several of the home owners who were affected by this storm, so it's been a crazy couple of days. Our prayers are
About a month ago, I wrote a blog post about Oklahoma tornadoes, and at that time I guess I should've knocked on wood. You see, when I wrote this post, I had only been caught up in a tornado twice in my life. At about 1:45 this morning, that changed. I found myself, my wife, and my kids crouched
I got a call today from a gentleman who lives in Cedar Pointe and is thinking about selling his home. I figured while I'm researching the most recent comps in the neighborhood, now would be a good time for my monthly report on what’s selling, what’s not, and what’s new on the market in Cedar Poin