Although Jesus is the reason for the season of Christmas, Santa Claus AKA Saint Nick, looms large, especially for children. Saint Nicholas was a real person born in about 280 AD. As the bishop of Myra (now known as Demre) in Turkey, he became known for his anonymous generosity and good works for
Who else, like me, loves the magic and warmth of candles? Christmastime is such a beautiful time of year and candles add to the loveliness of the season.My earliest memory of a scented candle was bayberry. My mother told me it was a traditional candle scent for Christmas. (Keep in mind this was 5
Wildlife Conservation Day on December 4, seeks to spread awareness about preserving and protecting the natural world and its inhabitants. Additionally, the observance strives to end wildlife crime, including poaching, hunting and illegally selling animals, birds and reptiles. It also reminds peop
Cheetahs are magnificent and amazing animals, renowned for their speed. They can go from zero to 70 miles per hour in just 3 seconds! That's faster than many traditional automobiles. Their distinctive spotted pattern provides camouflage in nature. Most cheetahs have between 2000 to 3000 spots on
There's nothing as enjoyable as eating holiday treats. Who doesn't enjoy warm cookies fresh from the oven? My favorite cookies to make at Christmastime are Molasses Crinkles, made from a Betty Crocker children's cookbook I "won" back in second grade. I also love chocolate chip cookies, chocolate
What do Chicago, Santa Barbara and Forbidden Suttee have in common?” All three share an important anniversary on December 4th. 1674– Father Jacques Marquette founds a mission on the shores of Lake Michigan to minister to the Illiniwek natives. (The mission would later grow into the city of Chic
National Roof Over Your Head Day is always held December 3rd. During the winter months with cold, rainy and snowy weather, a solid roof makes a huge difference in one's safety, warmth and comfort. I am grateful for both our newer roof and our Tesla/Solar City solar system. It took a long time to
December 1 is a day to celebrate people with disabilities. Back when the Paralympic Games began in 1960, it helped the world start looking at people with disabilities differently. No longer consigned to being sidelined, these differently-abled athletes helped others realize how much they could ac
So many people love and enjoy dogs. The good news is a dog needn't be a purebred pedigreed aristocrat to spread joy. Mutts can be just as fun and loveable as AKC-papered pups.December 2 is a day to share and celebrate those mutts. Post a picture of a favorite mutt-yours or someone else's. Thanks
What do Dr. Pepper, Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln have in common? All share an important newsworthy anniversary on December 1.Curious to know more about Dr. Pepper, Rosa Parks and Abraham Lincoln? Read on. 1824 – Since no U.S. presidential candidate received a majority of the total elec