Real Estate Pipeline

Services for Real Estate Pros - Real Estate Pipeline, Inc.
I was fortunate enough to have written a post a couple days ago that got featured on ActiveRain...and in one of the comments, a fine lady challenged me to write a new list. But, this time, instead of what you SHOULDN'T do, she wanted to know what she could do to make herself and her business bett...
Seems to me that regardless of how often Brokers or Sales Managers say not to do it, there are certain phrases that continually pop up during the course of a presentation/phone call/appointment that simply take a client's confidence and blow it clean out of the water...Sometimes even to the point...
Let's take a little test... Name the companies that use the following tag-lines: 1. The Breakfast of Champions2. The King of Beers3. The San Francisco Treat4. It Keeps Going, and Going… Pretty simple stuff, right? Everyone knows that Wheaties is the breakfast of champions.  Let's look at Budweise...
Let's start with a little story........ As a young boy, Tan had always heard of stories handed down by his father and his father's father of a magical rock that, when held by someone, would grant them any wish. It was called a 'touch stone'. A person would know they found the touch stone because ...
I can't make this stuff up...   A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client.   He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to a parcel of property being offered as collateral. The title to the property dated back to 1803, which took the Lawyer three months ...
I admit it. I need a 12 step recovery program for Twitter. I'm hopelessly addicted to Twitter. Hopelessly! Aside from the obvious health risks associated with addiction as a whole, I have to admit that one of the reasons I am so addicted is I am following some of the most amazing people there. (S...
  It's 2011...Well, almost... It's time to think about your future. Do you need that office space? Really NEED it, I mean? With the real estate industry evolving at the rate that it is, many agents have adapted to include the ability to be as mobile as possible.  Gone are the days of meeting at t...
I just made these last night...figured I'd share.   Chocolate Mint Drops 4 cups of powdered sugar (split in two)1/2 cup butter2 eggs...1 pkg of semi-sweet chocolate chips (melted)2 tsp vanilla2 tsp peppermint extract (dont use "mint" extract or they taste like toothpaste...)Use a counter-top mixe...
Top 10 things people fear the most...... 10. Dogs -- I have to admit, I am not afraid of dogs. I am not even afraid of the dogs I probably SHOULD be afraid of... 9. Loneliness -- Again...this is one that I do not have to deal with...I am ok with it. But, I know many people that do have to deal wi...
I remember when I was 7 years old......Creeping down the stairs......Hoping to see a pile of goodies left under the tree for me......Excitement building upon seeing the plate of half-eaten cookies and an empty glass of milk......Sooty boot tracks along the carpet that came from the fireplace (HE ...

Clint Miller

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