Towson Real Estate Marney Kirk

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Real Estate Agent - Cummings & Co. Realtors
Baltimore Spring flowers are TRYING to peek through!We had a few days of quite lovely weather, but now we are back to some cold, wet stuff now. I am VERY grateful, though, that it isn't snow!Has spring sprung where you are?For any real estate needs in Towson, Maryland or around the Baltimore Metr...
Is the dress blue and black or gold and white?I am sure you have heard/seen/read about this dress. Whether you care about the dress, think it is ugly, love it, etc, it has sparked a HUGE debate over the web. IS IT BLUE AND BLACK OR GOLD AND WHITE?Whatever you see, that is your reality, right?What...
We had snow here in Baltimore starting in the late afternoon of President's Day 2015.Though we had a long weekend for the Holiday, we got an extra day!Apparently the main streets have been plowed, but our street has not.Hopefully we will get plowed out this afternoon!South of us got slammed with ...
Happy New Year from Baltimore, Maryland!I hope 2015 is a wonderful year.Good fortune, health, and happiness is what I wish for those who read this post.HAPPY 2015!For any real estate needs in Towson, Maryland or around the Baltimore Metropolitan area,THINK MARNEY IN MARYLAND!Marney KirkKeller Wil...
Early voting in Baltimore County 2014 begins October 23 and runs through October 30. Polls will be open from 10am-8pm each day. Please note that there are specific polling locations that are open for early voting. It is very possible that these early voting locations MAY NOT be the same place whe...
There is a field of beauty in September in Monkton, Maryland. Dubbed the Sunflower Fields, they come out for a few week-long period in September. There are multiple fields along a few mile stretch of Jarrettsville Pike, and the beauty is breathtaking. Rows upon rows, fields upon fields, the yell...
There is a new butterfly house at Ladew Gardens, and we enjoyed visiting these beautiful creatures! The "house" has butterflies in all four stages of growth, from eggs to caterpillers to pupa to adults. There are different types of butterflies, and a great amount of information on them. Surrounde...
The Timonium Baja Fresh has reopened as of August 2014! A little known secret of mine is that I really enjoy Baja Fresh food. Though we have the other usual fast food southwest/mexican eateriers around (other good places like Chipotle, Qdoba and the like,) I really like the flavors, especially t...
Spectacular Day in Ocean City, Maryland. As many of you know, my home base is Towson, Maryland. I live, love, and sell real estate in Towson, Timonium, and the Greater Baltimore area. One of the wonderful things about living in Towson is that Ocean City, Maryland, is just a three hour drive away ...
I have come across this bunny a number of times over the past few weeks. He (or she) seems to have no fear of anyone. I took this photo with my phone, and I did not zoom in or crop the picture! As you can see, s/he is relaxing as s/he eats some straw -- and I am a mere foot away! S/he is a small...

Marney Kirk

Towson, Maryland Real Estate
local_phone(410) 823-0033
smartphone(410) 493-4884
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