Towson Real Estate Marney Kirk

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Real Estate Agent - Cummings & Co. Realtors
I wanted to share my love of dogs with you all.   We have, in the past, had three dogs. We love having a full house.   Since our eldest passed shortly after the birth of our son a little over three years ago, we waited to expand our brood since our son is now able and willing to be able to partic...
  Thank you Kim! You are a GREAT student and can't wait to take one of YOUR courses!   Thank you "Techno Diva" Marney Kirk, for putting together this CE Class for GBBR on Technology, Social Media/Networking, Web 2.0 and beyond! We have learned much from "Social Networking Diva" Margaret Rome and ...
I realize I have written a lot about the Towson Zestimates and how much they have been off in my area. It is not that I mean to harp, but as most of my family & friends know, I am an expert when it comes to house values in Towson. Enter this weekend, with cookouts and family time galore. As usual...
I have to admit I am caught up in reading all of these articles about Jon & Kate's separate lives. I don't know why, I guess it is like when people slow down to look at an accident on the highway - you just can't look away no matter how much you know you should and actually want to. One thing tha...
First, let me start, with my father's surgery was a success and the doctors feel very strongly that they have removed all of the cancer. THANK YOU for all of your thoughts and prayers. He is 6 organs/insides lighter, and will have much life adjustment, but he is optimistic, and looks WONDERFUL. I...
I'm sitting here watching my son play Wii golf target practice and realizing how much I am going to miss him over the next few days. Something as simple as watching him practice in his cute dinosaur pajamas can really make my day (despite the fact that he got up at 5:30 am!). The reality is, in a...
There are two ActiveRain bloggers whose blog posts I always enjoy. Why? They consistently make you laugh, snort, and, well, look inside yourself to see if you are doing these things. They make you look at life and your outlook in life. Are you the whiner? Are you the complainer? Are you doing WHA...
I've been wandering around AR & twitter reading so much about the HUD & NAR fail on the state of the $8000 tax credit being able to be used for a downpayment. I am still in awe that it could have even been announced, nevermind POSTED on the HUD site without details/legalities/etc figured out. HOW...
Last Thursday, I was asked to present on social media networking to the Greater Baltimore Chapter of Women's Council of Realtors.I was honored to be able to do my short presentation to this prestigious group, including one of ActiveRain's top Rainers, Margaret Rome! Read more here, and know I wil...
The verdict is in and the jury has decided in favor of the plaintiffs. The question is, is it enough? This once quiet, serene, little corner of the world called Jacksonville, MD became the center of a huge lawsuit with Exxon Mobile over a leak for 37 days of over 26,000 gallons of oil. The oil se...

Marney Kirk

Towson, Maryland Real Estate
local_phone(410) 823-0033
smartphone(410) 493-4884
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