Don't forget to vote today. I know this election doesn't have the visibility of a Presidential Election, but there are still ballot proposals to be decided. In Livingston County, there is one County-wide ballot, which means your vote will count.Not sure what's on the ballot? Michigan residents,
The old Brighton Donuts has undergone extensive remodeling and is likely to host a Potbelly Sandwich Shop and perhaps a T-Mobile cellular store, too. Potbelly began in Chicago in 1977 and there are some stores in the west Detroit suburbs, as well as Ann Arbor. The new building looks fantastic.If
Before you retire on Halloween, be sure to set your clocks back an hour. We have to do this less and less it seems. My mobile phone and cable box do it automatically. I have a counter top radio that gets the time signal via a local NPR station and it adjusts on its own, too. Likewise for the l
What could be worse than losing your tablet or smartphone and having somebody access your social media accounts, business information, and contacts? Well, OK, identity theft. And that could happen, too. But not if you’re a bit proactive. Here are just a few basic defenses for you.My first lin
Not National Beer Day (April 7th), but National AMERICAN Beer Day. The USA beer market is $101.5 billion, with the craft beer market at $19.6 billion or 17.6% of all USA beer consumption (2014). Import beer represents 6.9% of the total.But I’m in Michigan so let’s talk local. There were just ov
A haunted house gets your heart pumping, sharpens your senses and raises your awareness of the surroundings. And since I’m a full-time real estate professional, I figured I shouldn’t ignore this particular type of house any longer. Last night, my wife and I went to the Terrorfied Forest in Pinck
Watching out for scams really applies to everyone, not just seniors. But it does seem that folks who have been slow to use computers get hit the hardest. And scammers like to target people they think might have some money put away, who own their home, and that have great credit - and many senio
Ever had a neighbor that insisted that the property line was different than your belief? Did he sue you? Make life miserable in other ways? Well, here’s a rather extreme story.A Norwegian man believed that his neighbor’s outhouse (which had been converted to a shed) was encroaching on his prope
Going to be in the Brighton area on Friday, October 30th? Hey, it's the day before Halloween and you get a great opportunity to do a little reverse-Dracula-ing. Our office is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive that day from 11:00 AM to 4:45 PM at 130 W. Grand River, Brighton 48116.Afterw
When you buy a property, a deed is signed at settlement (closing). It goes to the County Registrar of Deeds for recording and is mailed back to you. Depending upon the County, it may be a few weeks to even a few months. Any recording fees were paid at closing.There are companies that are sendi