Jim Dunlap's (realestatebyjimdunlap) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Roberts Realty
We all have heard news in recent months about how the Post Office is in financial trouble.  In addition to being a Realtor, I also contract with the Postal Service, delivering mail in the Joshua Tree area.  I mainly got this contract so an old high school friend could have a job.  I run this rout...
But there's still plenty to enjoy  Rangers at Joshua Tree National Park said that although we have had plenty of rain, it came too late.  We need rain in the fall for large wildflower displays. If you do venture to Joshua Tree to see the wild flowers, stop in Yucca Valley at one of our many resta...
Johnson Valley, Californis, located in the Mojave Desert, east of Lucerne Valley and north of Big Bear, has , in addition to the oldest plant in the world, a cresote bush,a small dirt field and flying club called Valley Vista.  If anyone traveling Highway 247 between Lucerne Valley and Yucca Vall...
Having just read a blog about how the Wall Street reform bill in congress will require property owners who sell their property on "owner carry" will require these property owners to have a mortgage license to do so, I'm reflecting on a blog that I made about the California Air Resources Board, or...
SB 401, enacted into law yesterday, generally aligns California's tax treatment or mortgage relief debt income with federal law.  For debt forgiven on a load secured by a "qualified princeple residence" borrowers will now be exempt from both federal and state income tax consequences.  This tax br...
In a follow up to my recent blog "California Kills the Diesel," I've found some pretty amazing stuff about the California Air Resources Board (CARB). According to commentary on radio station KFI 640's John and Ken Show, documented on their website, apparent fraud exists within CARB.  One of the r...
According to the USGS California Water Resource Center, California is expected to get a full season of rain/snow in the next two weeks.  These storms are being brought in from the west/northwest by a low altitude 200+ kt jet--just about as fast a wind as it gets on this planet. This means cold st...
In Yucca Valley's local paper, there's a section called Sheriff's Calls.  Serious calls such as robbery, rape and murder are rare.  Most of the calls published include drunk in public, fight at bar, and such.  One of the most funny calls of last year was: Animal problem.  Subject reports rattlles...
In December, 2008 the California Air Resources Board passed the most sweeping emissions rule in the nation.  This new reguation starts this year. According to CARB, diesel exhaust causes cancer, and swift action must be taken in order to save thousands of lives in California.  This law is intende...
California Senator Boxer has introduced a bill that would create a new national park--the Sand to Snow National Park.  This new park would comprise of an area from Whitewater River, through Burns Canyon, and Pipes Canyon, all west of Yucca Valley. We already have a national park nearby--Joshua Tr...

Jim Dunlap

local_phone(760) 365-0647
smartphone(760) 832-0742
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