1. Lisa Barone of "If you want people to talk about you, you got to listen to something nine-time Grammy-wínner Bonnie Raitt told us way back in 1991. People want to talk and you gotta give 'em something to talk about." 2. Chris Brogan of "I continue to belie...
As you enjoy your meal in a surrounding lit by gentle turquoise light, a shadow glides over your table and you look up to see a school of fishes gamboling past the screen. Across from you, a pair of vibrantly colored butterfly fish seems to be serenading each other, moving as gracefully through w...
What can be more romantic than spending time with your loved one on an island? You’re right in the middle of nowhere having left all the hullabaloo of modern lifestyle behind on the mainland. There’s a wealth of natural beauty around you; yours to savor and explore at leisure; yours to enjoy in a...
These quotes can be used as daily reminders to help us keep on track. They were so well received the first time that we would like to offer them to you again in case you missed them. ================================================================================ 1. If You Really Want To I...
Like to dine out on Friday night? Here are some tips for your next romantic diner! The culinary world is huge and largely unchartered, much like the galaxy we live in. There’s food that you are familiar with and that makes up your tiny planet. Then there’s food you’ve heard about but never real...
Close your eyes and picture a ballet. What probably comes to your mind is a troupe of graceful dancers with beautiful bodies gliding across the stage in perfect harmony with each other and the music. Now keep that image, but change one small detail. Now they are not graceful dancers with thin and...
On one hand you have museums like the Smithsonian, Louvre, Guggenheim, and Prado which attract millions of tourists every year thanks to their varied collection, unique exhibitions, and of course stellar reputation. And then, you have museums like the ones we are going to look at in a short while...
If there’s one thing people will tell you about flying it is that no one who’s over 10 years of age will be thrilled about it. Flying is stressful. Period. There’s no getting away from that. The harrowing experience begins with the long check in line, continues with the insipid, sorry looking mea...
As Mr. Smith was on his death bed, he attempted to formulate a plan that would allow him to take at least some of his considerable wealth with him. He called for the three men he trusted most his lawyer, his doctor, and his clergyman. He told them, "I'm going to give you each $30,000 in cash befo...
1. If You Really Want To Impress A Potential Business Contact, Send A Handwritten Note · Tommy Spaulding, former CEO of the leadership organization Up with People, 2. Hire Skeptics – They're More Valuable Than People Who Accept Conventional Wisdom · Cristobal Conde, Presid...