When you go for a dining restaurant, you never think of the final resting place of all that food – in your toilet bowl and flushed down the drain! How about if you had to sit on a Western Commode, eat over tables styled like sink, and stare at a décor that reminded you of tiles in a toilet? Would...
What do you think of women drivers? Do you feel the need to poke fun at them each time you see them behind a steering wheel. Do you smirk at them indulgently as you watch them painstakingly maneuver a car into a tight parking space? Do you go about proclaiming that women are bad drivers and God h...
The Royal Yacht Britannia, in case you haven’t heard of it, is the most famous ship in the world – for all the right reasons, I’d like to add here. She isn’t remembered for the great tragedy that could’ve been averted (like the Titanic) and neither is she an unsolved mystery of modern times (like...
Major renovations are underway at the £35mln French château that promises to become the permanent place of residence for Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and their kids. The renovations are going to be overseen by Brad Pitt who is something of an architectural enthusiast himself. In fact, in 2008 it was...
How expensive could the most expensive burger be? After all, it’s just a burger, the staple diet of most Americans, freely available at every nook and cranny you poke your head into? So, take a guess again, what’s the most expensive burger you’ve eaten? I am betting they don’t make it to the top ...
Your trip to the most expensive restaurant in the world may not be as grand as you expect it to be. Somehow, we have this notion that anything that comes with an exorbitant price tag has to be equally ostentatious and ooh-la-la! Aragawa restaurant, Japan’s first steakhouse located in Tokyo’s Shin...
Sometimes, people aren’t very happy trundling off to places by land. They would like a bit more of a challenge and that’s how the following tourist attractions came up. They are beautiful, they are remote, and they are only accessible by water. Check them out. Old Forge Pub, London Talk about far...
Anybody who’s ever tried to find a parking space in New York City will guarantee that even on its best day, finding a decent spot is a tough fight. In a bid to make things slightly easier on pregnant women, Councilman David Greenfield, Democrat, Brooklyn has proposed a new law that extends, what...
The New York charity Children’s Aid Society finds itself in a bit of hot water with its decision to shut down its Greenwich Village nursery school programs that have operated for more than a 100 years. The company wants to sell its Sullivan Street buildings, which are now premium real estate, and...
The latest buzz in the New York real estate sector, believe it or not, is the roof of the Beth Israel Medical Center. It does not sound like much till one finds out that it is a verdant green roof in the middle of the Zeckendorf Towers condominium complex, and the combination of its size and land...